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budget 2023/2024

September 13th, 2023 at 04:23 am

Well yesterday I sat down and did our never really changes in that our bills always remain similar..we do however add 10% moe each year as they usually go up...especially now...and it can be hard as we do get US money and we all know how much the dollar I usually round down so I know we can cover everything. The CC will be paid off by end of year...should have some good savings next year....but in saying that our dog has the vet today as we found a growth on hid need to get checked out and see what it is...and I told my daughter that I will help with her fertility although we will have savings not sure of amount right now...

3 Responses to “budget 2023/2024”

  1. LivingAlmostLarge Says:

    It's incredible what inflation is doing. I can see the difference in our utilities.

  2. rob62521 Says:

    Like LivingAlmostLarge said, inflation is really causing havoc for most of us and our budgets.

  3. mumof2 Says:

    yes things have sky rocketed here as well..but so many things, elec/food/rent/ is getting beyond conrol

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