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February 17th, 2025 at 03:47 am
So I am unhappy to say that we have 2 credit cards that we will be paying off this year, one we have had for years and the newest one since sept 2024....I want to know in which order you would pay them off once I give you the information as I am going to go hard at them starting march, also not saying what we owe right now as I have to do some numbers but they are roughly the same, these are the terms not that we take cash out (or rarely) just so you have the info...and no we won't apply for cars with 0% transfer fee as it is so hard and annoying over here and our fees and %'s are high (aussie)
CC1 $58 annual fee
13.74 % on purchases
21.99 on cash withdrawals
CC2 $8 card fee monthly (new)
$1.95 each time you make a payment they charge you (new)
27.99% interest
I was going to pay off CC 2 then CC1...but then I was thinking maybe I pay them off at the same time eg: if I had $1000 pay $500 on each....I'm just not sure, I know people say to stick with one and pay it off first then work on next one. Also thinking that we pay off CC1 as we will be keeping that card and then paying off CC2 and closing it...we don't need 2....we will eventually get rid of CC1 but want a lot more money in the bank before we do that
So any thoughts or advice on what you have done or are thinking would be great...Thanks
Posted in
February 9th, 2025 at 08:11 am
Well I am one that has insurance for most things...well 5 years ago my sisters house burnt down it was because of faulty wiring, it was in govt housing...she didn't have insurance but she is one of those people who wastes her money and doesn't think or do much of the right thing...she had to start over as did the kids....well she didn't learn her lesson, last night her house burnt down again, she is interstate but the 2 kids got out as well as their snake and dogs...a bird and frogs didn't make it...and guess what no insurance again so again they have nothing...I can't believe it...Not sure what she is going to do or where she is going to stay when she gets back...but just can't believe she didn't have ins after the 1st fire 🤬
Posted in
February 6th, 2025 at 11:31 pm
So 2 days ago hubby ended up going by ambulance (we have cover) to the hospital, he had stroke like systems again, they keep telling us it is hemaphlygic migraines...he said this one was different...so he went they did all his vitals, blood work (several times, a scan, an mri scan and they think it might be arteries in his neck, they were going to keep him but said he could go home if her wanted to so he did at 11.30 pm...he was much better...and the cost to us...ZERO
we are so lucky here to have the system that we do...doesn't mean we don't have our issues but people aren't put under so much financial pressure when they are ill or have a chronic illness.
He does have appointments with a neuro person on tuesday so we will see how it goes.
Posted in
January 30th, 2025 at 05:10 am
Like most I have seen on tv how all the "illegal" immigrants are being rounded up and now there are no "white" people going to pick all the fruits/vegetables....so just wondering what is going to happen to all the prices of your food it will either cost more for white people to pick or it wont get picked and drop to the ground and rot...so it looks like it is going to go up in price...I have also seen online a lot of building sites (mostly houses) that no longer have workers as theyare to afraid to come out and work, as well as native americans....now I know we don't see as much from over there as you guys do when it comes to news coverage so I am curious as to what others think or know about food prices there or do you think a lot more people will be stealing from stores like what has been happening because they can't afford food?? I am just curious...although I have seen people posting since last year about some of your "bendy" food that stuff is weird
Posted in
January 24th, 2025 at 03:25 am
I have mentioned this before but I don't want my itin number anymore it's just for tax purposes and honestly it would cost us more in taxes but I just don't want to deal with them anymore...so can I just get fill out a form or write them a letter and he can just do it by himself even though we are married?? I just can't find any info and trying to get a hold of them is so hard...I usually get passed around then the phone call hangs up and I'm on a cell phone so gets expensive..if you have any ideas or know where I can get this information it would be greatly appreciated. And no we can't so things online as we dont have a home address or US cell fone
Posted in
January 21st, 2025 at 04:33 am
Everyone always tells me we spend a lot of money on food...and we do around $1200pm for the 3 of us, this also is the stock we replenish on shelves with sales etc, we are trying to reduce that.
I recently had a sensitivity test done and it covers food/metals/animals etc....and pretty much had to take out 2/3 of my diet which restricted me a lot and it covered dyes in foods etc as well...which was a real eye opener for me...such as dairy, some vegetables etc...it mentioned jams and gravy mixes etc that are filled with things so I started to read my labels more of what is actually put in our foods....so all our meat is bought from a butcher so it is much better quality than the supermarkets and we buy fruit/veg locally so that is fresh as well. this is where the expense comes in so meat is more expensive at a butcher than a grocery store, fruit and vege is cheaper at a green grocer than a supermarket but things like our milk (I dont drink milk but hubby and daughter do) cost $6.90 per 2 litres it is expensive but it settles in their stomoachs better...but its only ingredient is milk, our peanut butter $9 a jar (we buy when on sale) only has peanuts and salt, our butter has little salt and comes from cream, a majority of our food doesn't have extra in it...so I think I would rather spend the money on the good food we have been buying rather than the cheap stuff that is full of additives...we will eventually grow more and more food but only have pots we use till we move...I also dry our eggs shells and crush them up to use in the garden. We are pretty frugal and cook most meals at home etc....so deo other think that it is a lot of money this also includes all our personal care/home cleaning products/dog food as well as we don't have seperate money for each of these
Just wondering what others thoughts are on this....we don't really do takeaway (takeout) much at all, no bought coffees/snacks etc......occassionally when we got out and if it is hot or something but that is it....our daughter buys her own snacks and if she is out and we need stuff she will pay for it...yes she also pays rent and 1/3 of household bills as she is an adult but will always live with us...
Posted in
January 20th, 2025 at 08:10 am
Well someone put on here about a website where you could punch in your numbers and see if you owe or get a refund...does anyone know what website that was..I can't for the life of me find it on here...Thankyou in advance
Posted in
January 14th, 2025 at 12:54 am
So I am looking at fun ways to save money each year this year I am doing the 365 day challenge...it is a fun cheap way to save over $600 this year basically it is a penny doubled each day so the highest amount is $3.65...I know for many of you that is nothing since you have amaased a million or so but for those starting over again then it is a fun easy way to do this...so does anyone else have any ideas to save extra money??
My DD and I go walking several times a week and have started to take a bag with us and collect cans as we get 10c each when we cash them in (this goes in my jar and I bank it later in the year) so not a lot extra but on 2 walks we have made $1.20....so who knows over the year..every bit helps right.
Also working on $1,000 in my ice account, paying of 2 CC, then building my ice account to 3-6 months of expenses as well as saving for a home..and bringing down our food budget..thats what I am working on this year...I feel this is going to be a good year
Posted in
January 11th, 2025 at 06:59 am
Well the end of 2024 didn't end well in our family as my BIL died on the 30 dec 2024...He has almost died a few times, he has diabetes, is blind from it, has had a quadruple bypass a few years ago nad has had dyalysis 3 x week for years now...but its summer here and he caught pneumonia and I guess his body had had enough and he didn't pull through. I don't do funerals so we won't be going but sad for my sister who was married 41 years.
February I start my topical chemotherapy on my face...its for 3 months and I wont be able to go out as it is summer here and you look like something out of a freddie kruger movie..apparently uncomfortable and annoying but needs to be done as I have pre cancerous spots on my face...I'm not really looking forward to it as it has bad side effects and I am one of those people who always gets the side effects...so fingers crossed it all goes smoothly...good timing as I should be finished in may when 1 DD is getting married and the other doing IVF again.
budget is really tight this month as we have 3 payments to make where we usually have 2 so makes it really tight and I can't put any extra on our CC debt but that is okay....we also walk around our neighbourhood and quite often see cans/bottles that people just leave on the ground...so have been taking a bag around with us (we have done this for years) as each one we get we cash in for 10c each...honestly we make an extra $50-100 a year doing this and it cleans up the environment...also found $2 whild walking to store the other day...so I am putting it all in a jar and seeing how much extra we can make this year with things like that...makes it fun and can make a little extra...also when it cools down I want to declutter and sell some things so that will add to it as well.
Had an unexpected expense of $769 for a recliner chair for my hubby that was with delivery (saved $40) as his was worn out and I didn't know until I sat in it 1 night and my back hit the board...asked him about it said he didnt want to bother me with it...so I said hell no lets go find one so we did and got it delivered just after the stores opened after new years...he deserves the best...so we paid cash for that so between that and 3 rent payments..there is no spare money.
Everything else bill wise is paid so any extra will go onto the CC which I should try to update on the side panel..hopefully by april/may they will be gone. pretty excited to be debt free this year
Posted in
December 20th, 2024 at 01:08 am
WOW this year has flown by, so much has been happening will do a little update but I am ready for next year.
We had to move this year as the owner of the last house wanted to renovate..they didn't they just upped their price andmoved someone else in..Funny thing is they wanted $640pw for the house they only got $595pw..funny thing is we would have paid that so we didn't have to move..but that is life. Our new rental came with a lot os isssues that we either didn't know about or that were suppose to be fixed and were not. We tried to negotiate with the owner for cheaper rent if he wasn't go to fix things, half the lounge had no elec/fan above stove had no filters on it, no down pipes attached to the house etc...things that needed to be done, so after 8 weeks of trying to get things done I called the housing inspector and also put in claim for compensation. within the week the housing authority came out wrote up a list of what needed to be done, they had 28 days to comply or rent would be reduced and if not completed by march 2025 then they would be fined between $2500-$10000...within 2 weeks everything was done except 1 door which they had to order a part for because it is an older door and no need to replace the whole door. It cost him more because he had to fix things that we didn't even mention but the housing authority said had to be fixed. Then he asked what we wanted for compensation, we said not to worry about it as things were fixed and thats all we wanted. So for now things between us seem okay (although he lives in another state). So that saga is finally over.
My daughters IVF journey continues, she has unexplained infertility so has has a bunch (14 vials) of bloods done this month, one takes 3 months to get back and she is having a break till next year and will have some other tests/procedures done to see if they can find anything else as they just aren't sure what is going on, been over 4.5 years, has been expensive but will be worth it...so hoping around may next year to try again.
With moving, health issues and a few other things we just didn't get anything done with our budget like we wanted, didn't save anything etc, but have done our budget for 2025 and it looks good.
Goals for 2025
are to be debt free (should be april)
to save $20,000 for a house deposit
to save $2500 for a newer car (not needed but hubby has macular degeneration & I can't drive due to dizziness so will have to upgrade to a car that will fit all 3 of us and our daughters kids (when she has them) so a long term goal but starting now...would also have our cars to trade in as well.
Also may have a possible compensation payment coming in (lawyers working on it now), not banking on it and could be a while before we get it..if we get it...and would have no idea how much it would be...not a lot I am guessing but whatever it is will be put towards a house deposit.
Non financial goal is to work on my health.
Thats about us for the year, nothing else planned except christmas which is paid for (except food we need to pick up closer to date) and we do ours christmas eve which will be a nice 82 degrees (28c)...christmas day will be hotter at 95 degrees (35c)...so glad we are doing it early
Hope everyone has a merry christmas and you are all meeting your goals for the year and your budgets are balancing (if you have one)
Posted in
December 9th, 2024 at 01:47 am
This is kind of a financial question but not sure how or if this is possible and can't really find out any information online and dealing with the IRS is hard from over here.
So not sure if many of you know but since the pandemic our dealings with the irs has been so exhausting...we can't do it online and after this last year I am just over it. I have an itin, purely for tax purposes, I have never lived/worked or bought any property etc in the US ever. Hubby has retirement income and SS so he has to do them. What I am wondering is can I relinquish my itin number and hubby just does that taxes as a single person? I really don't want to be dealing with them again and think it would be much easier for us...so if anyone knows the answer or can get me a link etc, that would be awesome...if not thankyou for your time.
Also I know it would cost more for him to do it as a single person but we can budget for that...its around $3-4000 in taxes already that we pay each year so that we don't owe...which we have owed in the last couple years as it keeps going up.
Posted in
November 15th, 2024 at 06:18 am
So with 40 days left till christmas thought I had better get a start on shopping usually I am great and have everything done by aug except food of course...but not the last couple years.
I had decided that my daughter and I would go take 1 day beginning of dec and do all of our christmas shopping and get it over and done with...but I have been really unwell and not handling much at all so being out all day in busy shopping centre didnt appeal to me at all...so today I used my CC to buy stuff online...still have some stuff to get...and yes I know I shouldnt use the CC but will transfer all the money we spent back on the card on ...so no worries there...but my health is priority right now.
I do find it hard to get things for my family as they are all adults they buy what they want when they want...and also stocking stuffers dislike giving stuff I know they won't use as it is wasteful..so makes it difficult and I do give some cash but still like gifts under the tree...was so much easier when they were little...as for my mom I always give her a gift card that she can use to either buy groceries/clothes etc depending on where she wants to spend it...it is a useful gift and she likes that she can get "free" groceries...another words she isn't paying for them...she is 86 she really doesn't need "stuff" she has enough..so it works for her...we will have to go into store so we can get the "lucky dip" prizes...so much fun...I still call this a no credit christmas (like every other one) because the cash is there to use so we don't actually use cc's to buy things and never have...I know people who spend so much at christmas they are still paying it off all year and then finally get it paid off just to use it again....even when we get grandkids I will do the 5-6 month layaway they have here in store...that way you pay it off over months and they store it for you until a week before christmas!!
I usually buy gifts for a charity for foster children but will just send them money and they can add it to the pot to buy christmas gifts. will also donate money to a homeless shelter for their annual christmas lunch like we do all year.
so how is everyone else going with their christmas shopping/gift giving...can't believe how fast this year is going..47 days and it will be 2025😮
Posted in
November 10th, 2024 at 02:22 am
Have paid off another smaller debt paid off we are down to 2 CC which total around $7,500 so should be paid off by march next year could do it sooner but working on adding to my ice account as it was completely depleted from the move from hell and the week after....so will be debt free next year...we will close one and keep the other "just in case" until I get a substantial amount in our bank account!!
Posted in
November 6th, 2024 at 05:00 am
I am just wondering what people think will happen to the economy after the election? I don't want to talk about the election or results but I am guessing whoever gets in it will affect the economy in some way not just in the US but around the world so just wondering if people thing the economy will improve or not??
I know they are saying here in australia our inflation rate is the lowest it has been in 3.5 years so hoping it continues downwards as does interest rates but I know the election will affect our economy in some way...just don't know how much since we are close allies.
Posted in
October 16th, 2024 at 05:11 am
Well I have seen on here what people are spending on groceries and I just laugh....seriously though if our groceries are not $1000 or more a month then I am amazed. We only buy our meat from a local butcher (so much better) and yes we try to use farmers markets when we can, and yes my hubby and daughter drink A2 milk as it is better for hubby breathing issues and my daughters stomach..I dont drink milk and that alone is $6.90 per 2 litres (which I would convert but aust gallons are different to the US gallons), eggs are around $8 for 12, bread is around $4.20 plus for basic loaf...yes you can buy really cheap stuff but it tastes like cardboard and I'm not willing to go there yet....petrol (gas) prices have been the lowest the last month than they have been in awhile $1.60 per litre (sometimes drops into the 150's)...I honestly think our food is better for us for the most part but the cost is just unbeliavable these days....I am trying to spend no more than 300 per week on food starting next month and see how we go.....what do others think of the differencefood costs....also have to say that we don't do coupons over here and most CC don't have rewards on them and store cards really arent a thing...woolworths has one where when you get 2000 points you get $10 off your groceries...or you can store them up for christmas....so a little different here...what are your thoughts...yes we have a costco here but it is like a 45 minute drive one way and we rarely go like every 3-4 months and usually only to get cleaning stuff in bulk...our main stores here to shop at are woolworths, coles and aldi
Posted in
October 14th, 2024 at 03:21 am
We are finally settling into our new home and it is starting to feel like home now that things are being put away...still have lots to do but we will do it in our own time, we can live comfortably and just do a few boxes every couple of days so it's not so much. This house has less space than our last one, which they didn't renovate and they must not have had many takers as they have lowered their rent by $30pw...
Unfortunately with all the stress I think with the move etc our daughters IVF didn't work so she will try again and see how she goes...doing things a little different this time see if that helps
Finally had time to get the budget back on track, will take a little bit to be debt free but that is okay considering what we had to go through but we have a plan and I think our petrol (gas) will go down as we can walk so many places now.
Just need to start menu planning and getting the food budget under control again...way to much take out etc with the move, but it is warming up really fast here so will hopefully be doing a lot of BBq's
Posted in
October 4th, 2024 at 08:06 am
Well it's been a week since we moved and it has to be the worst move that I have ever been involved with (and there have been a few)...first we had everything organised and it should have been a smooth move. First the movers were 5 hours late..suppose to be there at 8am...almost 9 so I call the company and they called the movers they had truck (8 tonne) trouble so should be there by 10....no show at 10 so I call again, they say the truck needs to go back to base and they should be there by 12...12.45pm they finally show up with 2 smaller trucks and there are 2 movers...at this point I am annoyed as I have had to constantly call them they never called me. They were the slowest packers ever, and they broke my daughters cupboard within the 1st half hour...theyhad half truck packed they were not listening to me when I told them to pack the heavy stuff and they started with boxes...I told them to finish the truck and that they could deliver to the new house and they were done...they also refused to park on the driveway as it has a small slope and wanted to charge me $200 to walk to the truck on the driveway!! so they go to the new house and my niece unpacked more than one of the workers and let me say it took them 5 hoours to pack/unpack a truck (small). I called their boss and gave them what for and gave them the worst review ever. So know we have to try and get family to help us finish packing up the truck (we had to hire one) and moving, it took us an hour and half to pack/unpack the truck. We finished up sat...I then stayed and cleaned the house.
Of course before we move in and we get electricity put on in the home only to find out that the company had turned it off at the street as I guess they were really behind on their bills but there was elec coming to the house, so they sent someone out to check it out...and what do you know the previous tenants had rewired things in the electrical box and badly to get free elec...so they cut it off and we had no power untill the rewired the electrical box completely and then it had to be inspected and tehn turned on...we finally got power on wednesday night around 9pm...but things around the house still need to be fixed etc. We also lost around $150 worth of food as we bought it on friday when we had power.
On top of all of that my daughter had her ivf procedure on the sat that we moved...so the last week has been hectic and costly with the price of trucks, movers, paying family, takeout food etc.
the last couple days we have had rain so not much we can do so just resting up and hoping things start improving!!
Posted in
September 24th, 2024 at 09:43 am
So we are busy packing up everything (and yes there is a lot) as we are moving on friday...decided that we would pay movers, they were cheaper than a lot of others so hopefully they will be okay and take care of everything...we are only moving like 25 minutes from where we live now...hubby still isnt sure if he wants them to move his tools or not so we will see how we go (he is fussy about his tools and who touches them) and on saturday my daughter does her first IVf transfer. then on tuesday hubby has his last needle in his eye so it is going to be a very busy week for us...the only day it isnt suppose to rain is friday when we move so fingers crossed it doesnt...our cats will go into care at the vets just for the day and the dog will stay with me at the old house for the day while they pack and I will clean and when they are done hubby and daughter will be at other house to supervise the unpacking...not sure if they will need to do 1 or 2 loads...fingers crossed it is a smooth transition...not happy about the extta $70pw increase in rent for a smaller house...but that is life we will save mone as well as we are walking distance to everything we use!!
Posted in
September 8th, 2024 at 07:05 am
So we will be moving on the 27 sept...looking forward to it...but also not...love moving and getting to start over but hate the moving of boxes etc...so we have hired a company to move all of our "big stuff" which is also the heavy stuff as we just can't do it anymore....and we will rent a truck and do the rest ourselves...will be tough on me as hubby can't really do much and my daughter is getting ready for ivf that week as well...so I will be doing a majority of it as will my step son....people ask why we dont just get movers to do it...simple fact it will cost between %5-6,000...yes that is right and I'm just not willing to pay that...but we will get it done. We already have a bunched packed and I have started to clean as well so not that much to really do when we move except a general clean and the garden (general tidy as we do keep it up pretty well)...won't have to do the kitchen as they are renovating it....hence the reason we have to move.
BUT..we are moving back to our old neighbourhood...we still shop down there (25 min drive) our docs are there etc so when we move we will be in walking distance to everything, including the beach (we are in this house as well), so we will get more exercise and also save on gas (petrol)
I have already done my budget to add in the extra rent for the rest of this year actually put it $20pw more than it actually is but that is ok...and have also done budget for 2025....all bills are paid but not paying on debt till we are moved and settled then will start knocking them out...so where I have actually added money to the petrol/groceries amounts per month I may be able to reduce them a bit so that will go into savings which we will be starting when we move again...back at the beginning with everything but we will get there
Posted in
August 20th, 2024 at 05:55 am
Well I had trouble getting on this page and the tech people on here did an awesome job of fixing the issue so thankyou very much, I really appreciate it!!
Can't believe we are midway through august already this year is flying by so fast, our first priority is looking for a new rental, the market is slim and over priced and 3 that we looked at had water damage so I won't even apply as we don't know if they will actually fix the damage. So we have applied for some, rejected some, waiting on some and have been told no on some...so hopefully soon we will have a moving date and can get moved.
I have starting next month budgeted for a higer amount of rent so that shouldn't affect the budget when we move, I have also had to raise the grocery and gas (petrol) amounts as they just were not working well and groceries have skyrocketed, we spent $350 on groceries that had no meat and we got 4 bags, granted the milk we buy is $6.90 per 2 litres, but a block of cheese is $12, 12 eggs are $8 plus...so it all adds up...I mean what choice do we have although we do use a butcher for meat and we try to go to the markets for fruit/veggies when we can as it is cheaper and local,
I only have 3 debts left to pay off 2 should be done in a couple months and the last one is a student loan and will pay on it monthly but no set time yet. Also when we move will get the ice account back up, start saving for a car (next year) which will be joint for us/daughter, and start saving for a house....so I have this years and 2025 budget already done and feeling confident with it....and getting back on track financially...pretty much starting from scratch again and I am okay with that
Posted in
August 19th, 2024 at 08:16 am
Just wondering if people can see this first I had trouble getting on my page then they fixed that...Thankyou very much!!
Then I posted an update and it said it was posted but nowhere to be found...so trying this to see if people can see it or not...before I write another update
Posted in
July 29th, 2024 at 04:34 pm
We have been looking for rentals and they are so over priced it is ridiculous...but I have also noticed how many have exclusions on their properties of what you can use and not use....which I would never rent...if Im renting a property I want to rent the entire property not just parts of it especially since you are over charging for it... and they usually only have 1 open....so we were suppose to see a nice house today but hubby had an eye appointment (has to have a needle in his eye each month) and the doctor was running 2 hours late so we didnt make it, I did call and explain, but you also can't apply for a house without looking at it so it makes it a bit difficult as well...my mom was coming over to look after our dog (has severe seperation anxiety)...so we didnt get to look at the property but we had my mom over for dinner and spent some time with her and all was good.
I am inclined these days just to go with the flow...no we didnt get to see that house but if we were suppose to we would have....but we had a nice dinner with my mom...my hubby got treatment on his eye and its my daughters birthday today (30th) so all is good...what I can't believe is that it is almost august...where has this year gone...it feels like we just had christmas a few weeks ago!!
Posted in
July 16th, 2024 at 03:08 am
So we didnt get the house and the house is over an hour away and just not practical to move there when we will be down this way all the time, rent would be more, gas (petrol) would be more..so not practical.
My oldest DD didn't get the procedure done, she went into hyper stimulation so has to wait at least another month...but she is doing okay with that...has been a 4 year journey for her so far.
Hubby now had to have monthly injections into his eye..he had a bleed in his eye and has macular degeneration..was diagnosed a couple weeks ago when he got his first shot...his eye sight has already improved..so that is good.
The dog had the vet and we are just waiting on blood test results...he had put on a couple pounds over 3 weeks for no reason, so that cost us almost $500...
On the upside we have all been doing good, I have 1 debt paid off this month..all bills are paid...still looking for houses but the right one will show up...so life is pretty sweet!!
Posted in
June 30th, 2024 at 07:32 am
So we have new tenancy laws coming into effect monday so our landlord has decided not to renew our lease as they want to renovate...well they have to renovate to abide by the laws and then they will probably ask for more money for the rent. So we are starting to look around but it is slim picking...we found 2 so far...and one is an hour away so not good and the other one we can make it work but it has been trashed by the last tenants so they have some big repairs to do...so we have applied but will look at the house once it is ready if we get accepted to make sure it is done. Not what we need to be doing here but it will also save us around $160 a month in rent...and t closer to where we do all our shopping, doctors, hospital stuff so will save on gas (petrol) as well..but it is winter and wet and we will have moving costs...but if it is meant to be it will be...we have to october to move.
on the upside our oldest daughter has started her ivf journey and our youngest is planning a wedding for 2026...so that is great.
Posted in
June 24th, 2024 at 06:47 am
So we have had so much happening in the last few years with illness, housing, moving, appliance etc...the list goes on...so over the last couple of days I have done a complete overhaul of paying off debt...most of it is my hecs (student loans in the US)...because I am on dsp right now I dont have to pay it but it is indexed each june so it is creeping up, we have some smaller debts all total our debts are around $37,000.
By debt it also includes money to start my ice acct again and money I want to give our daughter for her wedding..so not real debt but to me it is
Our bills are always paid on time (minus dreaded CC), we own our car and maintain well, as it stands
we will have 3 smaller debts paid off in july, one in aug, one in sept, that will only leave my hecs debt which should be paid off in june 2025.
Our big goal will then to start saving a deposit for a house which will be around $105,000...most houses in our city are around 1 million that will fit our family but ours is based on $900,000 ...no there isnt anything cheaper that we have found yet but we have time...and yes most of that is in fees that is $56,000 that you need to pay up front.
So that is the plan right now...we are working with specialist diligently to try and get me back to work in the next 12 months so that shuld help as well...so this is where we stand at the moment...been a real eye opener....
These are also based on lower income ours can change with the exchange rate so we will probably have a bit extra but I dont bank on it so dont add it in.
Posted in
June 24th, 2024 at 03:22 am
Well just received another letter from our gas/elec suppliers...we already pay one of the highest prices in the world and the most in australia and yet it is set to rise again...this is part of the letter
In South Australia, the energy regulator sets a 'reference price' each year, which is their estimate of your
electricity cost for the year. Your reference price is $2760 (GST incl.). This is based on the consumption of
an average-sized residential customer in your electricity distribution network (SA Power Networks) on the
same electricity tariff type as you. We estimate your new electricity rates will cost you $3809 (GST incl.)
over 12 months, using the same assumptions. This means that after your new prices become effective, we
estimate your electricity prices will be 38% above the reference price, as of 1 July 2024. Please note, this is
an estimate only and your electricity costs will depend on your actual usage.
South Australia (SA): SA has one distribution network – SA Power Networks. The average electricity rate for this network is 45.3c/kWh, making it the most expensive state for electricity in Australia. This is due to the high reliance on renewable energy sources in SA, which can be more expensive to produce
So guess we now have to start comparing prices again and see if we can do better....I mean $1000 plus every 3 months is just not okay....wish we had solar it would be so much cheaper...evrything has been going up in price...although have to say it is nice that the big grocery stores are being audited because of price gouging so some of their prices have a dropped a bit.
Posted in
April 30th, 2024 at 03:14 am
So we thought we were done with taxes...but we got a letter in today stating they need us to send forms which we sent at the time....I swear the US govt has to be one of the most incompetent "businesses" we have ever had to deal with and trying to get anything done is damn near impossible...so now we have to call them..they gave us 30 days to respond to them..we got the letter today 6 weeks later...so that time has lapsed...they cashed our owed cheque in feb...so not sure why it is still ongoing..I swear they just do anything to mess with people!!
So more late night and expensive phone calls because they can't do their job...maybe just won't do taxes anymore!
Posted in
April 27th, 2024 at 04:51 am
So we want to change our bank and we were able to do everything fairly easily..but my hubbys US social security gets put directly into our account (started 13 years ago)...so we call them (1am our time) and they start asking questions...we answer them....we get to our acct details we give them to them..they say its not right they need a routing number...I tell them we use swift codes here and give it to them...doesn't work...so I google our bank and finally find a routing number...nope that doesn't work either...so we ask them what we can do to get this done...so we go to our bank the next day and talk to them about it and they have no clue what they are talking about because they do it but only use swift codes...Now I know that banking has changed a lot over 13 years and we can't get an online account because we dont have a US address....so we call SS back and explain this to see what we can do to change it...their response...you need to take ID and your banking details to the nearest office....I said do you know where our nearest office is...it's not going to happen....yes our nearest office is in the Phillipines....that is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard...we couldnt get forms to fill out or anything so not sure how we are going to get this done....always something with the US govt departments and they don't make it easy for people living overseas!!
Rant over...it's just been very frustrating!!
Posted in
March 13th, 2024 at 04:05 am
Does anyone use any budgeting apps/tools as I am looking at using one but have no idea what I should be looking for...am sick of the way I am doing it and want it set out better...if anyone has nay good ones they have tried let me know...or if you have had some that havent been good let me know as well
Posted in
February 28th, 2024 at 10:51 am
Well my taxes were delivered (had them sign for them) and then noticed that the check we sent had been cashed so I am guessing they have been done hopefully we will get some paperwork in to say so...we still haven't got any from last year....so fingers crossed all is good and done for the year.
Had to have a colonoscopy and endoscopy done tuesday...the staff were amazing I tend to get sensory overload when it comes to noise and lights and they saw that i was starting to struggle so they took me to another room where is was darker and quieter (hubby stayed with me), they kept checking in on me....the thing I love about our health system is that the prep medicine, the procedures and the food etc were all free...the only thing that cost us was for the chocolates we bought the staff for all their amazing work...so professional but also very caring and compassionate...also made sure I wrote to the head of the hospital to tell them what an amazing job they did as I think it is important to put in complaints when needed but also good reports for staff so they are recognised...I think people should do that more often.....well at least we do that 😊
It's pay week this week so will hopefully get everything paide we have a lot of expenses this month as well as helping our daughter save for her ivf...but I have my plan and we should be debt free july/aug
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