Home > elec/gas price hike

elec/gas price hike

June 24th, 2024 at 03:22 am

Well just received another letter from our gas/elec suppliers...we already pay one of the highest prices in the world and the most in australia and yet it is set to rise again...this is part of the letter

In South Australia, the energy regulator sets a 'reference price' each year, which is their estimate of your

electricity cost for the year. Your reference price is $2760 (GST incl.). This is based on the consumption of

an average-sized residential customer in your electricity distribution network (SA Power Networks) on the

same electricity tariff type as you. We estimate your new electricity rates will cost you $3809 (GST incl.)

over 12 months, using the same assumptions. This means that after your new prices become effective, we

estimate your electricity prices will be 38% above the reference price, as of 1 July 2024. Please note, this is

an estimate only and your electricity costs will depend on your actual usage.

South Australia (SA): SA has one distribution network – SA Power Networks. The average electricity rate for this network is 45.3c/kWh, making it the most expensive state for electricity in Australia. This is due to the high reliance on renewable energy sources in SA, which can be more expensive to produce

So guess we now have to start comparing prices again and see if we can do better....I mean $1000 plus every 3 months is just not okay....wish we had solar it would be so much cheaper...evrything has been going up in price...although have to say it is nice that the big grocery stores are being audited because of price gouging so some of their prices have a dropped a bit.

1 Responses to “elec/gas price hike”

  1. LuckyRobin Says:

    We paid $3000 last year for electric and it's gone up more this year. We've been on hydro for decades for 90% of our power and the rest is the burning of natural gas. There is no excuse for it where I live. They aren't repairing or putting in anything new. Most of the price increases are in taxes from the state. Thank goodness we haven't needed to put on the A/C yet this year so we can keep the non-tax part of the bill lower. It's been mild so far, which sucks for the garden, but will be better for the electric bill.

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