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Archive for October, 2021
November 1st, 2021 at 03:57 am
As usual things in life are always changing....so we have decided instead of moving in a year we will stay here 2 years (if we can) until we can afford to buy..so we are saying 2 years unless things change dramatically...so with that we have made some changes and we have leased a bigger storage shed (yes we have lots of stuff...mainly hubbys tools) and will make some changes in how we use this house so it will fit us better for a couple of years...especially if our DD gets pregnant....although I don't really like this house it would have been a waste of money to move in a year then again the following year...so will rejig the budget and go from there.
We had halloween here this year we decorated, it looked pretty awesome considering we decided 3 days beforehand to do it....its not real big here in aust and some years we have sometimes only gotten 3-5 people...but last night we had around 200 kids come to the door...we ran out of candy but lucky we keep a good staff of munchies that we take in the car if we know we will be out for awhile and that our daughter takes hiking so we used those....the 2 neighbours both ran out they couldn't believe how many more there were this year...but it was fun and will plan better for next year
The weather here has been weird, had really nice spring day, then a major hail storm (destroyed so many cars), then back to nice coule of days and then we are back to rain in a few days....we have had weird weather all year...
I am going to start my spring cleaning again...we will be moving a lot of stuff in the next 6 weeks to the new storage and then will need to get our christmas stuff done....and before we know it 2022 will be here....have ordered my last x-mas present and then I am done
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October 25th, 2021 at 06:59 am
I love to budget..but the last couple of years have been so unpredictable for us that a budget has been hard to stick to...my health has cost us thousands in specialists and treatments...my hubby's cancer the first time cost us a few thousand...not so much this time as only treating with injections at the moment...and then moving house, couch surfing, helping our youngest daughter out, moving my mom...plus our oldest trying to have a baby (we will probably help her out as well.
So with all the happening our budget wasn't working..bills were paid (never late), but everything we were saving for a house just went to these other things,,,so I am hoping that everything is getting sorted and slowing down and we can start saving our house deposit (which is super expensive and hard here) so I have done not only 2022 budget but also 2023 budget...our income rarely changes and if it does then it is more not less so it is easy to figure out...it looks like we will have to save around $50,000 for a deposit (yep that is only 3 %) so will take around 2 more years not one...so that is the plan for now...does everyone here use a budget and how far in advance do you do it?
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October 20th, 2021 at 02:18 am
Woke up to find out that petrol (gas) prices have started going up to $1.85 per litre, with no idea of when it will be going down..highest it has been in a really long time...for those of you that is 1 gallon for you which equals approx 3.7 litres..which wouldbe $6.85 per gallon (aus)...which would be around $5.11 per gallon...guess we won't be going many places anymore....I am guessing with the price of that going up then food will rise as well since trucks will cost more to transport food etc...
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October 19th, 2021 at 05:41 am
So my step son suffers (like my hubby) from hemiplegic migraines...although they get different ones..my step sons affect his brain..he has trouble doing things, remembering things etc so in june they ordered an EEg on his brain..he had the doc yesterday and I ased him about what he said about his eeg not being done yet...he said he said nothing...so I thought I have had enough it doesn't take that long to get one done (usually a month to 6 weeks at most)..so I call the hospital to find out if they have his referral, they don't but they give me their direct fax number, I call the doctors clinic we all go to...and they arent sure what is going on they thought he went to the hospital to have it done...so basically nothing has been done...so I ask them to fax letter to the hospital so we can set up an appoitment...an hour later I call the hospital they have it and have set him an appt mid november...although they have him on the waiting list if one comes available...so finally we can get it done and see what is happening and get him the help he needs as he can't be treated till it is done...I know I probably should have done it earlier but with our own health issues, moving my mom etc I just think of it...so next month hopefully we can get some answers and start getting him more help...but it just goes to show you that you need to follow up on things when it comes to your health...yes there was miscommunicatin between all 3 parties but I still feel the patient is the one that is responsible to make sure things are being done....who knows how long he would have waited if we hadn't stepped in...only took an hour to get sorted...so remember to fight to get things done in a timely manner
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October 18th, 2021 at 01:58 pm
Christmas shopping is done and paid for, still waiting for a couple to come in as I have just ordered them, the rest are wrapped and in the cupboard...feels good that I am almost done, will only have food to do at christmas time...ordered early thinking it would take a while to get things in from overseas but it really hasn't taken that long...so that has been good.
The weather here has been getting a little nicer here the last couple of days so hubby and I have been taking short walks, his legs have been bad since his cancer treatment was just starting to get them a little better and he has to go through treatment again so hopefully we can work on them and they won't get as bad..and the dog is loving being able to walk most days.
My daughter finally has a donor that she can use, they have changed the rules here which are tough, and with her genetic testing, she only has I donor she can use...they can't even use the ones they can use in Seattle as they say they can't test them for everything they test here...so she couldn't use them either...so hopefully she likes the profile but probably won't start or anything till december...so she is excited.
I find using cash for our groceries we don't seem to spend as much so that is good, I found using the card we seem to spend a lot more..and we have been doing well with the menu planning and it will be great with the nicer weather to be able to start having bbqs and salads...I love summer...and the fruit is so much better...
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October 14th, 2021 at 02:03 am
my neuro thinks I may have vestibular migraines, so he is going to send my doc a letter and discuss options with her to discuss with me, she knows I hate meds that are not organic, so we will see I do take them if I have no other options...but I do limit what chemicals go into my body as much as I can.
I have ordered some aboriginal teas that are suppose to help with health, sleeping, anxiety etc..so will see if they work, hopefully they will but I don't like tea or coffee, cant have dairy so hopefully they taste okay and settle in my system without making me to nauseated.
My hubby is doing better sleeping more but not enough so hopefully the tea will work on him as well. My DD has an appt with the head specialist at the clinic to start another plan with her, she has to pick a new donor due to the new laws that have come in, so hopefully next month she will start the process again.
Our daughters dog that lives with us had to go to the vet, he was vomiting foam yesterday and not eating..cooked him up some chicken last night and he finally ate it around midnite and the vet said he is okay just has an upset tummy for some reason, just keep him on bland diet...so need to go buy him somemore chicken breast...he is a very fussy eater.
doing much better with the budget now we have gone back to cash...a couple of times we have fogotten to take the cash so have had to use the card...so I just keep track and will take out less today (its payday), but we are getting use to it again...using your card its just to hard to keep track.
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October 11th, 2021 at 03:50 am
Things are starting to slow down finally....my mom is finally settling in and doing well.
Hubby is doing so much better with his eating and sleeping, not 100% but not as bad as it was, so that is good he is able to do more than he could a couple weeks ago. Me on the other hand just can't stand to eat or drink the last few days can't even take some of my meds.so trying to figure that out I swear its 2 steps forward and 10 steps back...but I will get there.
Financially we have paid off the CC again...and menu planning as been going good but we have decided to go back to cash rather than using the card its just easier to keep track of for groceries and gas...all bills are paid and we should be able to save some this month...
I have cut back on my doctors some I don't think some are helping me so going to cut them back and try some other things...oh well brain fog is pretty bad right now, I have just finished up my moms new budget and sent it to her...one more thing of my list..now to go and relax...I can't wait till we have some warmer weather so we can get down to the beach, which is at the end of our road...we are half way through spring and yet it has still be so cold..I really want some warm weather...just so we can get back to nature I miss walks on the beach, in nature etc.
Hope everyone has a great week
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October 6th, 2021 at 02:39 am
The last few weeks have been quite busy...everytime my doctors tell me to take it easier life just seems to get faster...
Hubby is back on hormone treatment and also had tablets to take as well, he got sick on the tablets, couldn't eat, couldn't sleep etc...so I took him off of them, we took him to the hospital to see if they could do something about the nausea and no sleeping and they just wouldn't see him as they didn't want to deal with a cancer patient so since he got sick of being there for over 4 hours with everyone else going in and out he told them he was going home where he was around so many people, cause he didn't want to get sick and it was a long weekend...sat he had to have his 2nd covid shot (his are 3 months apart) and we spoke to that doc abut the symptoms..at this point I had taken him off the tablets...it wasn't his regular doc so he got his doc to call him, and he also contacted his urologist to see if that was okay...then yesterday his cancer nurse called him and said it was okay to stay off the tablets for now and they will monitor him...he is eating and sleeing better now.
My daughter has done 2 IUI and neither of them have taken...so with the new laws here now she has to change her donor so she will choose another one within the next week and then see the specialist and write up another plan...it is getting expensive but worth it when it works...and it will work...she will get the baby that is suppose to be hers...so fingers crossed...it's actually very interesting to go through this process with her....I am learning a lot and meeting some great people and also seeing my daughter go through all the emotions of the process and amazed at how well she is handling it all.
I am suppose to be taking it easy and relaxing to get my cortisol levels down but that hasn't been happening at all with my hubby and his cancer stuff going on and not sleeping which meant I wasn't sleeping...going to my daughters appointments with her and then we had to move my mom to another town that is cheaper for her to live,,,so I had to find a house to rent, get everything connected, pay for it (that damaged our budget a bit) then get the house she was in cleaned up and still need to finish up the last little bits for that house I just haven't had time to sit an relax...but thats okay...my family comes first and they do the same for me...when my body started going into meltdown mode my daughter took over what I was doing to help out...she is great like that...and my mom is around plenty of family down there so I know she will be fine..she is living literally 6 houses away from my niece who is checking on her everyday...so I know I don't really have to worry about her...plenty of family to help her out if she needs it...not that she does she is 83 in december and does everything herself except her banking I do all her banking and pay all her bills online for her so she doesn't have to worry about it...no I don't control her money I just make sure everything is paid as it easier for her...
after all that we have still managed to save some money this month...so still working on that.
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