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Archive for March, 2021

almost april

March 30th, 2021 at 11:59 am

Well a quarter of this year is almost over and it feels like it is just flying by!!

Easter is this weekend and I'm really not feeling it this year so not really going to do anything...and easter sunday daylight savings ends which means dark by 5.30pm and cold...I hate winter and I love daylight savings so not looking forward to the next few months...hopefully we will get a house before it starts getting to cold and wet!

I'm guessing in may when we see the doc we will be getting our flu shots...not sure when covid will be available to us hubby will be before us but me and my daughter I'm guessing around sept...but last year we hardly had any flu cases thanks to all the covid I'm hoping it will be similar here.

One of our states has a few covid cases in the community again..we havent had any in our state for months (nov when had 17 cases) and before that only a few in april we have been real lucky but we still have all the protocols like hand sanitiser and the q code for all the that helps

It's payday this weekend but won't really look at updating till next week, we are getting back on track tomorrow with our grocery budget living in 2 seperate houses has been hard buying food for 2 houses we had a talk and will get back on track tomorrow and hopefully it works...its hard when you live with people that cook completely different from you and you have none of your kitchen stuff..but hopefully it will work better and we can save a bit more money

Hope everyone has a great easter 

more houses

March 27th, 2021 at 05:58 am

Looked at more houses was okay the other one not so much...this has got to be one of the most frustrating things we have ever had to do....who would think renting a house when you have decent income would be so hard...not sure what is going on but it is frustrating...fingers crossed we get a house soon!!

we have 3 storage units and 2 alone cost us $722pm so wince the movers packed one of them we are thinking of restacking it and trying to get it down to 1 unit to save some money...also to get a a few things out of the back of it as it is getting cold here and we need some of our winter clothes and my daughter needs to make her jewellery and get it sent out...but that will be a job for next week if we should attempt to do it as it is warmer this week has been cold and wet

Easter next weekend and daylight savings ends..I love daylight savings hate that it is ending...honestly can't be bothered with easter this year so probably won't do anything...enjoy your weekend


March 24th, 2021 at 11:26 pm

I have been MIA for a few weeks, we are still couch surfing which really sucks but still haven't got a house...weird we are classed as homeless but can afford to pay rent (usually pay more than $2000pm) but still no house we are looking at about 5 plus a fingers crossed we get something soon...our oldest has bipolar and isn't coping well not living with us and house sharing with people who don't really regard anyone but we go spend the day with her and her sister is there at night (its her house)...I was staying there but it was hard to as I was continually get stressed and sick and would have ended up in staying with my hubby at his sons house...but my body is breaking down as couches aren't comfortable.

One reason we have found difficult to get a house is one of our housing agent references won't answer calls or emails...there is nothing we can do about it and since there is such a high demand for housing they just take us off that I have decided to take his name off and just say we were travelling for those 2 years...easier on us...and yes I hate lying..but I hate couch surfing more and my family needs to be living under the same roof. 

Budget wise we really aren't following one, we pay rent at one house, and groceries at 2 I just don't bother as long as the bills are paid I am fine with that..but we are also paying storage fees instead of rent so saving a little...will get back on track when we get a house and can figure things out again...

The weather here is cooling down in a hurry and all our winter gear is in storage...right at the back so might have to go buy some new clothes if it gets to cold to quick as we can't get to the boxes the way it is stacked...hope you are all staying safe and doing great!!

stimulus payment question

March 19th, 2021 at 10:00 am

So we have been told that even though we live overseas we should have been getting the stimulus payments, we have a Us bank account but even though we put the info on our tax returns they always seem to send it via we have been waiting for last years and this years taxes to be done and neither has been done yet...we have to send via mail as we can't do it online (its US rules), so if we are eligible will they back pay them? We never expected them and probably won't get them but just getting our taxes done would be nice....we have called several times and just get the run around that they are understaffed, still working on this years taxes or doing stimulus payments...but damn its been over a year now for one of them and I know they have them as I send them registered so they had to sign for them so i knew that they received frustrated with this process so many people out of work...employ some more people and get the back logs done so we can get our taxes done and finished....the IRS is so poorly run it is pathetic!!

still no house

March 11th, 2021 at 11:22 am

So we still have no house and I am now couch surfing between 2 houses which sucks and me and my hubby are living in seperate sucks but we have done everything we can and one of our landlords just won't answer and so we don't get a frustrating but we will keep trying to we get a house.

Other than that not much else is going on in our lives...just appointments, house opens and applying for houses that about it!!

It's autumn here & we are moving

March 2nd, 2021 at 10:20 am

It's autum here and it's getting cooler....I hate the really hate...I am a summer baby and I don't really think we get much of a summer any more!!

We are moving thursday..don't know where yet we will get everything finalised tomorrow so it will be either in storage and us couch surfing or into a house we are waiting to hear...either way we will be out of here..the owner won't extend the lease at all as she wants to tomorrow I will finish up all the packing that needs to be done, I have organised movers and a truck, I have organised a place for my daughter and the pets to live, and my hubby wll probably stay with his son till we get a house...I need to stay with the dog as he has severe anxiety but hubbys son has animals that won't get along with our just don't need the stress of the animals not getting along...either way we will figure things out eventually...

Also had a busy day with my mom who had a fall last night ( she is 82), my nephew (he lives with her) sat up all night to watch her to make sure she was ok....then went to school so we took her to the doc to check her out she had a scan today on her head and she has to have xrays and ultrasound in next couple days...she is doing ok just a bit glad about that but had to cancel my appointments for today...I can remake them but wanted to make sure my mom was ok first...not what we needed this week..its busy enough...we also have appt tomorrow and may not be on here much...its pay week this week..have paid all the bills for the month but not sure how much the move will once we are done moving I can do an update and then get back to saving