January 30th, 2025 at 05:10 am
Like most I have seen on tv how all the "illegal" immigrants are being rounded up and now there are no "white" people going to pick all the fruits/vegetables....so just wondering what is going to happen to all the prices of your food it will either cost more for white people to pick or it wont get picked and drop to the ground and rot...so it looks like it is going to go up in price...I have also seen online a lot of building sites (mostly houses) that no longer have workers as theyare to afraid to come out and work, as well as native americans....now I know we don't see as much from over there as you guys do when it comes to news coverage so I am curious as to what others think or know about food prices there or do you think a lot more people will be stealing from stores like what has been happening because they can't afford food?? I am just curious...although I have seen people posting since last year about some of your "bendy" food that stuff is weird
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January 24th, 2025 at 03:25 am
I have mentioned this before but I don't want my itin number anymore it's just for tax purposes and honestly it would cost us more in taxes but I just don't want to deal with them anymore...so can I just get fill out a form or write them a letter and he can just do it by himself even though we are married?? I just can't find any info and trying to get a hold of them is so hard...I usually get passed around then the phone call hangs up and I'm on a cell phone so gets expensive..if you have any ideas or know where I can get this information it would be greatly appreciated. And no we can't so things online as we dont have a home address or US cell fone
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January 21st, 2025 at 04:33 am
Everyone always tells me we spend a lot of money on food...and we do around $1200pm for the 3 of us, this also is the stock we replenish on shelves with sales etc, we are trying to reduce that.
I recently had a sensitivity test done and it covers food/metals/animals etc....and pretty much had to take out 2/3 of my diet which restricted me a lot and it covered dyes in foods etc as well...which was a real eye opener for me...such as dairy, some vegetables etc...it mentioned jams and gravy mixes etc that are filled with things so I started to read my labels more of what is actually put in our foods....so all our meat is bought from a butcher so it is much better quality than the supermarkets and we buy fruit/veg locally so that is fresh as well. this is where the expense comes in so meat is more expensive at a butcher than a grocery store, fruit and vege is cheaper at a green grocer than a supermarket but things like our milk (I dont drink milk but hubby and daughter do) cost $6.90 per 2 litres it is expensive but it settles in their stomoachs better...but its only ingredient is milk, our peanut butter $9 a jar (we buy when on sale) only has peanuts and salt, our butter has little salt and comes from cream, a majority of our food doesn't have extra in it...so I think I would rather spend the money on the good food we have been buying rather than the cheap stuff that is full of additives...we will eventually grow more and more food but only have pots we use till we move...I also dry our eggs shells and crush them up to use in the garden. We are pretty frugal and cook most meals at home etc....so deo other think that it is a lot of money this also includes all our personal care/home cleaning products/dog food as well as we don't have seperate money for each of these
Just wondering what others thoughts are on this....we don't really do takeaway (takeout) much at all, no bought coffees/snacks etc......occassionally when we got out and if it is hot or something but that is it....our daughter buys her own snacks and if she is out and we need stuff she will pay for it...yes she also pays rent and 1/3 of household bills as she is an adult but will always live with us...
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January 20th, 2025 at 08:10 am
Well someone put on here about a website where you could punch in your numbers and see if you owe or get a refund...does anyone know what website that was..I can't for the life of me find it on here...Thankyou in advance
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January 14th, 2025 at 12:54 am
So I am looking at fun ways to save money each year this year I am doing the 365 day challenge...it is a fun cheap way to save over $600 this year basically it is a penny doubled each day so the highest amount is $3.65...I know for many of you that is nothing since you have amaased a million or so but for those starting over again then it is a fun easy way to do this...so does anyone else have any ideas to save extra money??
My DD and I go walking several times a week and have started to take a bag with us and collect cans as we get 10c each when we cash them in (this goes in my jar and I bank it later in the year) so not a lot extra but on 2 walks we have made $1.20....so who knows over the year..every bit helps right.
Also working on $1,000 in my ice account, paying of 2 CC, then building my ice account to 3-6 months of expenses as well as saving for a home..and bringing down our food budget..thats what I am working on this year...I feel this is going to be a good year
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January 11th, 2025 at 06:59 am
Well the end of 2024 didn't end well in our family as my BIL died on the 30 dec 2024...He has almost died a few times, he has diabetes, is blind from it, has had a quadruple bypass a few years ago nad has had dyalysis 3 x week for years now...but its summer here and he caught pneumonia and I guess his body had had enough and he didn't pull through. I don't do funerals so we won't be going but sad for my sister who was married 41 years.
February I start my topical chemotherapy on my face...its for 3 months and I wont be able to go out as it is summer here and you look like something out of a freddie kruger movie..apparently uncomfortable and annoying but needs to be done as I have pre cancerous spots on my face...I'm not really looking forward to it as it has bad side effects and I am one of those people who always gets the side effects...so fingers crossed it all goes smoothly...good timing as I should be finished in may when 1 DD is getting married and the other doing IVF again.
budget is really tight this month as we have 3 payments to make where we usually have 2 so makes it really tight and I can't put any extra on our CC debt but that is okay....we also walk around our neighbourhood and quite often see cans/bottles that people just leave on the ground...so have been taking a bag around with us (we have done this for years) as each one we get we cash in for 10c each...honestly we make an extra $50-100 a year doing this and it cleans up the environment...also found $2 whild walking to store the other day...so I am putting it all in a jar and seeing how much extra we can make this year with things like that...makes it fun and can make a little extra...also when it cools down I want to declutter and sell some things so that will add to it as well.
Had an unexpected expense of $769 for a recliner chair for my hubby that was with delivery (saved $40) as his was worn out and I didn't know until I sat in it 1 night and my back hit the board...asked him about it said he didnt want to bother me with it...so I said hell no lets go find one so we did and got it delivered just after the stores opened after new years...he deserves the best...so we paid cash for that so between that and 3 rent payments..there is no spare money.
Everything else bill wise is paid so any extra will go onto the CC which I should try to update on the side panel..hopefully by april/may they will be gone. pretty excited to be debt free this year
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