September 28th, 2018 at 05:50 am
So I have been going over our barefoot investor book (I love his advice) and looking at where we can save more money again...have been a bit off this year due to specialists (have a couple more to go) but we are wanting to buy a house in a couple years and we are looking at 15-20% deposit.
so I am going to look at butchers that have bulk buys in our area, we have a couple insurances that are coming up in nov so will look around and see if we can get a better deal from the one we are with or another one...looking at trying to save money on food as we spend a lot but we don't go over...still have some work to do and some research to see what else we can do, going to try make our own jam this year and still on track to grow, dry and/or freeze our vegies...WANT to bring our spending down and our savings up more...cutting back on christmas next year...not that we go overboard but think we can do better.
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
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Personal Finance
September 27th, 2018 at 01:40 am
The last couple of months have been brutal when it comes to savings and I am completely off track so October I am going to get back on track hopefully won't have many or any medicines or specialists that we have to pay goal is to get our savings back to at least $2000.
We spent almost $200 yesterday on meat for the freezer as it was getting low...can't wait it is almost bbq season...lots of salads and outdoor time...can't wait...our tomatoes are starting to grow as are all our herbs and blueberries...garlic is doing well and we will probably harvest in nov and get some new ones in... we still have to get in some other vegies but just haven't been able to yet with being sick..but we will soon...we have a strawberry farm about a half hour drive from us where you can pick your own so we are hoping to go there and pick strawberries and make our own jam (never done this but have wanted to) so that will save some money over the year.
so today is tweaking our budget to try reach our savings goal and to finish up my mums budget for next year...busy day but I love it
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September 25th, 2018 at 04:53 am
Well we have had a bad winter with a chesty cough and sickness which we have had for 7 weeks..not good for my hubby who has copd...had to spend money on medication and a vapouriser but we had no choice...hopefully it will start working...haven't really been buying a lot of groceries but we have had some chilli and chicken noodle soup in the freezer which has helped us a lot when we need to eat but don't feel like cooking much...
Finally got our dishwasher fixed, it didn't cost anything as it was under warranty.
My doc doesn't know what else to do for me so is waiting to see what my 2 specialist say when I see them...1 in nov and still waiting for an appt for the other one...then we will see what happens...if anything.
The weather is warming up a little so have been outside a bit more...hoping we can start feeling healthier and finish up planting our spring vegies...we have some in but not a lot...and nothing better than fresh vegies from the garden.
Savings has taken a bit of a beating in last week so way off our target but hopefully will get there next month
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Personal Finance
September 13th, 2018 at 02:05 am
I have been reading a few posts that have mentioned a $20 challenge and I'm just wondering what it is? can anyone help with some info...I like challenges!!
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Saving Money
September 12th, 2018 at 07:02 am
I am a sucker when it comes to charity..I have always helped out to charity but since I have been unable to do anything physically for the last couple of years I do things more financial...I do budget for it for the most part but the charity that I have been supporting for the last few years who supply backpacks to foster/dv children have expanded to also supplying starter kits for families of dv...its a fairly new program and this charity ALL money and donations go to the kids/ they started these kits as they noticed that people who had left dv situations could never have enough money to replace even some of the basic household items that they needed so that's what they have started to provide to assist them...I love this idea and with postage I just spend over $600 to help them out...yes it is a lot of money, yes I took it from savings but I believe in helping those less fortunate than us...we may not have everything we want or need but we have a lot more than feeling good about it.
On the upside sold some stuff on gumtree and made $50..
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September 8th, 2018 at 07:45 am
So over the last couple of months we have spend a couple thousand dollars on specialists to try find out what is going on with my health. The first one said it was vestibular my ENT sent me for the balance tests...they are saying there is no vestibular issues...I have an appointment with a neurologist in nov not sure what they think they will find as there is nothing showing up on the looks like all that I have done in the last couple months has resulted in zero info...a bit annoyed as I have never been this sick in my life and nothing is showing up or they just aren't finding anything...all docs agree something is wrong just by looking at me but they just don't know do I keep paying for tests or just save the money...such a hard choice right now...but I try to remain positive and figure even though they haven't figured out what is wrong yet...they have ruled something else out...what else can you do?
So going to talk to my doc in a couple weeks and see what she says whether or not to continue paying out money on tests or just deal with this till it passes or kills me!!
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Personal Finance
September 7th, 2018 at 05:40 am
Well being sick on top of a chronic illness has been extremely sick to do glad we have netflix...but on the upside still not spending other than groceries...which my hubby usually does.
I have our savings up over $1000 but only updating my blog at end of month as it changes all the feeling good about that...set it up that I have $100 a month going directly into my retirement fund (super as we call it) every bit helps. only have a couple more christmas gifts to get and then I'm done other than stocking and can mark that off my to do list..still need to finish up the shed and get some things put up for sale online and make a few dollars (hopefully)...even thinking about a garage sale just not sure yet and hubby is thinking of selling his boat as well...but we will see.
so far sticking to our budget now just need to get my moms budget for next year done
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September 6th, 2018 at 03:29 am
Well have been sick all week so haven't been anywhere except the doctors and since we are on free scripts for the rest of the year this one doesn't cost haven't spent money on anything but groceries...except today when I just ordered my daughter a christmas present (although that is from our present account)
Finally have my ICE account back to $2000 so now going to work on our savings for a home deposit and hopefully nothing else comes up that is to expensive. Still working on putting stuff into storage and sorting out the shed but the weather has been cold, wet and miserable and being sick it can just wait..hopefully will get some warmer weather and feel better soon so can get it done
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Personal Finance
September 6th, 2018 at 03:29 am
Well have been sick all week so haven't been anywhere except the doctors and since we are on free scripts for the rest of the year this one doesn't cost haven't spent money on anything but groceries...except today when I just ordered my daughter a christmas present (although that is from our present account)
Finally have my ICE account back to $2000 so now going to work on our savings for a home deposit and hopefully nothing else comes up that is to expensive. Still working on putting stuff into storage and sorting out the shed but the weather has been cold, wet and miserable and being sick it can just wait..hopefully will get some warmer weather and feel better soon so can get it done
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Personal Finance