November 30th, 2018 at 07:07 am
I have finished my christmas and stocking stuffers today its all wrapped and we went and got our christmas decorations out of storage so might put up this weekend...being unwell this year I don't really feel in the mood for hoping that the closer it gets the better I will feel....hope everyone else is getting their christmas shopping done
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November 28th, 2018 at 02:03 am
I was just wondering when people are saving for things at the same time say a house deposit, car, college etc do you use seperate accounts to keep track of the amounts or do you just have them written down and update as you progress?
we already have 5 accounts for different things so not sure if I should open up another one or figured I would see what others do and then let me know what works for you.
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November 27th, 2018 at 07:43 am
We had our first thanksgiving in 30 years as we don't celebrate it over here but our yongest wanted to so we did but on was a good day with family and friends...thankfully it was a cool day with all the cooking...we couldn't decide what pies we like so we made 8 and chose our fav so we could just make them next is going to become a tradition I think (and yes my hubby is american).
Not much else going on I have been ill the last couple of days so have been on bed rest and no appointments this week so next week I have the neuro pysiotherapist so hopefully can get some answers on exercising etc...I just want to be healthier again...
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November 22nd, 2018 at 09:07 am
Well none of my goals were met this year and won't be met by the end of this year due to life getting in the have written the rest of this year off...we will start over next year and hope life is a bit kinder to us.
On the upside I have lost 12 pounds this year (without trying) hoping next year I can exercise again and lose some more weight
We will start out with some savings but not sure how much yet but will update next year...
also doing thanksgiving this year (sat) as our youngest wants to haven't done it in years so should be interesting...we don't celebrate here...hope everyone has a great thanksgiving
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November 19th, 2018 at 05:13 am
When we started trying to save for a house these last few months I made up a white board to show our progress but so many things have happened the last few months and we still don't have anything marked lowest amount is only $2500 but just wish I could sign it off everytime we get close we have another specialist I am disappointed but here's hoping next year we get some signed off...anyone else ever feel bad for not reaching their goals each year...
I set pretty realistic goals so get disappointed when we don't reach them...but there is always another month and I am happy that we we still have no debt except another laptop (which is a DD x-mas present) but that will be paid off next will start the new year debt free
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November 15th, 2018 at 10:29 am
Paid off the CC today hadn't used it in 8 months (was paid off) but wanted to pick up some christmas gifts that were on sale so used the cc but couldn't deal with having the debt so paid it off. Don't have much left in savings but thats ok we still have goals are way off from where I want to be so will have to work on my 2019 goals instead and just write the rest of this year off and just save what we can
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November 14th, 2018 at 05:29 am
I have never used the CC for christmas and I had to use today to buy a couple christmas presents as savings is so low due to medical bills...UUUGGGHHH I hate debt so I am hoping to pay it off real soon...not the way I want to start the new year off...
Here's hoping for a miracle that we get everything sorted and start the new year off fresh and debt free
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November 13th, 2018 at 08:07 am
Have had 3 specialist appointments this week, the first 2 said they couldn't find anything..but today I saw a neurophysio therapist and I think they might be able to help that is what we are focusing on right hopefully it will help...they said it will take some time as they have to retrain my brain in several areas so here's hoping...but been an expensive week and its only need to figure out the rest of christmas and how to pay for it...spent so much money on specialists.
On a better note my brother paid for the boat today so hubby has that for his interests...and we still have some savings...just need to sit down and rejig the is coming downs this week or next week so can go over next years budget with her and finish up setting up her banking.
so far a good week and expensive week but we are getting there...
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Personal Finance
November 8th, 2018 at 08:04 am
Saw another specialist today (neurologist) cost $305 and they basically said that sorry but it's not neurological it's something more savings gone and no answers!!....a little frustrating...still see another one tomorrow and one next week then our savings will be almost gone...maybe one day we will have answers and saving...
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Personal Finance
November 6th, 2018 at 03:18 am
I hate debt, we haven't had debt in awhile but I needed to update my computer so we got a 25% deposit 12 months interest free about 3 weeks was frustrating me having debt so we paid it off we are debt free again only had debt for 3 weeks but that was 3 weeks to long...I'm now on happy camper!!
Posted in
November 2nd, 2018 at 04:16 am
Been a couple weeks since I blogged, have been really unwell then doing okay, not sure what we have done but I have had no meds in 5 days and feeling around 80% which is great but weird, I am just waiting for the crash to hit me, I even managed to grocery shop with my hubby yesterday....not complaining but trying to work out what happened for the change...but I am going to enjoy it while I can...have done so much last few days and it feels great. I do have 4 specialist/doctor appointments this month and going to stick with them in case I take a turn for the worse again...
November is going to be an expensive month for us with all the specialists and I want to pay off my laptop we got a few weeks ago so we can be debt free again, so savings will be way down but if we have savings at end of month then I will be happy.
On a good note my hubby has sold his boat (to my brother) so that will give him some extra savings for his hobbies, not finalised yet as my brother works out of town but will be done in next few weeks.
I have been working on my moms budget all year as she is almost 80, had some debt doesn't do internet banking etc so I have been doing it for her for last 18 months and she will be debt free in next 2 weeks, we just ordered her a new bed and mattress for her great grandson that lives with her he just turned 13 and is to tall for a single bed....and she paid cash so she is happy...she is coming to visit this month so will finish up her christmas shopping and next year she will start doing her own budget again as I have it all written out...she is really happy right now as with me doing it has taken all the pressure off of her etc.
I have our budget written up for next year so that is ready to go, so i am finishing up my christmas shopping this month and then that will be us done for the year have most done just have a few stocking stuffers to get and some gift vouchers people have asked for but will get closer to christmas.
I can't believe that all the christmas decorations are already up and the stores are filled with christmas everything...I really get sick of christmas before it gets here I really don't think that it should be allowed up until a month before christmas...
I am really looking forward to achieving all my goals this month..big expenses and all
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