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Archive for August, 2021

christmas and debt

August 29th, 2021 at 05:29 am

Well I have ordered many of my christmas presents...some are things I have been wanting to do for a couple of years just haven't been well enough to get done..but I have used the CC so will have to pay that off again...but thats hubby is so worth it....savings is way down as we have had so many specialists to see that our mrdical acct was cleared out as was a majority of our savings...but we will get back on track in next couple of months..fingers crossed looks like buying a house maybe pushed for another year...see what happens...

fully vaccinated

August 22nd, 2021 at 07:59 am

Well as of yesterday I am fully vaccinated, only hubby left to finish up..luckily I didn't really have any side effects from it just a sore spot on my that was a relief.


possibly a g'ma in 9 months

August 17th, 2021 at 12:18 pm

This week has been busy with appointments it seems that's all our lives are lately...well I have 2 appts tomorrow and one thursday...on tomorrow is a zoom appointment..first time doing one of should be interesting but hopefully will be able to get some good helpful advice...and start on the road to recovery.

financially we haven't really been spending money other than groceries...and i think we have spent more than we usually do but wanted to restock the cupboards and freezer a bit so that is fine. all bills are paid for the month so all good there and tomorrows paycheck will just go into our house acct, in saying that with buying a few things we NEEDED we won't reach my goal of $5000 by end of month but thats ok we will make it up over the next few months somehow.


Ok well is for daughter started her fertility journey this week...they told her that she would need blood tests and probably be inseminated friday/sat..and they called her today and she was we are so happy for her...hopefully it takes and she becomes pregnant and everything goes case anyone wants to know she doesn't have fertility issues she wants children and just hasn't found a partner she wants to be with so decided to do it on her we are really happy for her.

Saturday I get my second pfizer will fully vaccinated..only have my hubby that needs his 2nd one now but thats not till october...I'm just hoping for less side effects this time...but will be nice to have some protection...and on good news people aged 16-39 can now get vaccinated starting yesterday (monday) so hopefully our vaccinated numbers will grow in the next month around australia...although NSW is kinda like the US in the numbers are rising and deaths are growing...they have had average of 400plus new cases in last few days and I think around 23 deaths...which I know doesn't sound like much if you live in the US but to us that is a lot..our whole state has 1.771 million people and since covid started in 2019 we have had 868 cases and only 4 deaths...which I think is good and most of those cases were in march-may I'm hoping that we don't get a surge in our state until we can get more of the over 60's their 2nd dose of AZ...which they hate but don't have a choice to get...rant over


another doc appointment update

August 12th, 2021 at 08:29 am

So saw my doc today...I see her every month usually..she has set me up for some scans, to see another shrink again (at my request due to anxiety issues that I think I need assistance with), although I can't get in to see her till feb 2022, she gave me some meds so I can be well enough for my endoscopy later in the month...and she is happy about progress with othr issues that have been going on...and when we went to get scripts we found out we are now on free scripts for the rest of the that is a bit of a savings each month.

Not much else going on just filling up our calendar with appointments and wishing the weather would warm over this cold wet windy weather. 

always spending

August 10th, 2021 at 06:24 am

Well we had to buy a lawn mower yesterday...the grass is growing so fast and ours broke and I didn't want to keep borrowing one so we decided to buy more money out of our house account...hubby also needs to update his hearing aids, he has a lot of damage done to them from his radiation treatment they not sure what that will cost probably won't hit my target goal of $5000 this month but that is ok..somethings are more important. 

Our daughter has started her fertility process and she is super excited...she has been saving for a long hopefully everything works out for her....

Other than that not much else happening here been pretty cold and wet here to do much also not trying to go out to much (except appts) until we are all immunised....and hopefully that will be soon and we can enjoy the beach and outdoors more...and some good weather


August 8th, 2021 at 07:33 am

Well my daughter had her 2nd vaccine so she is fully vaccinated against covid (as well as you can be) and is now starting her fertility adventure...she is so excited...she put it off so she could get vaccinated...just in case...but she is good to go now!!

I should be fully vaccinated on the 21st I get my last shot...hopefully I do better with this one than the last one after 12 hrs ended up in hospital with uncontrollable shaking and complete body pain...I could barely move but still couldn't sit still as I hurt so I am hoping this next one is fine.

Hubby since he had to get the AZ one won't be fully vaccinated till 2 oct as they have to have 12 weeks between them...I hate that one and I'm pretty sure thats what brought on his shingles.

Other than that not doing much hardly going out only to appointments which all had to be rescheduled due to the lock down so slowly getting them done.

I think I have finally figured out a lot of what is wrong with me so this week when I go to the docs can have a good chat to her and hopefully figure a plan of attack.

Stay safe everyone 

daily musings

August 2nd, 2021 at 07:01 am

Well I have paid the bills for the month already we will keep some extra as we did a monthly shop a week ago that should get us through the month other than milk/bread and fresh fruit/vege...its a new thing we are trying to limit our exposure to the outside world as much as we can.

In our big order we got free delivery but it also came with extra, 2 buches of kale...but you can't return it so made my daughter some kale chips that she they were free. Our lemon tree is full of fruit so this weekend will robably pick a bunch and squueze and freeze ready for summer as I put it in hubbys ice tea...and that makes lemon juice free as well.

Had my first pfizer shot on sat...didn't go to well was fine for about 12 hrs then I had uncontrollable shaking and all over body ended up in the er... wasn't there to long around 5 hrs total...they got it all settled down, so hopefully the next one won't be to was weird I didn't even get a sore arm....that is 3 weeks daughter gets her 2nd one thursday so hopefully she does ok...they say most people get more of a reaction with the 2nd one...I have to say it was such a fast  efficient service that they run...very quick and professional and cater to is a big building...and with so much noise (lots of kids around), the lighting my head when into melt down with all the stimulation, they saw that I was stressed so took me back to another area that had a bed and was quieter and I just had my shot there....they did a great job

my goal this month is to save as much towards our house deposit as possible...I am hoping to have $5000 saved by the end of month!!