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Sure murphy is laughing at us!!

October 24th, 2023 at 09:28 am

So I did my budget and thought that finally we could start saving in november...but yesterday our toaster and microwave both broke we were pricing them and our youngest daughter decided to pay for the ones we wanted and have them delivered....we will pay her back but she said no hurry...I love that we have great kids that do this and we should have her paid back by next no real inconvienience to her...but more out of our pocket again...and our electricity went up 19% this quarter and it was quite high compared to normal...we knew it would be but damn much higher than we normally will have to adjust our budget again...especially since we are suppose to have a hot we are hoping nothing else messes up in the next few weeks and we can stay on track as much as possible...especially with becoming debt free!!

On another note not sure if anyone remembers all the saga with our US taxes...we finally got them paid only because I called them to see if they were finalised and they told me what we needed to pay...and we paid it...finally had an amazing lady who knew what she was doing....but we have never received any paperwork from them that we were suppose glad that we called but don't have any paperwork from them at that is frustrating

christmas shopping almost done & other news

October 21st, 2023 at 02:39 am

I have ordered almost all the christmas gifts we will need this year....have one to go for my hubby but want his opinion so that will be done today then I just have money, which I will do over the next couple months and the animals...everything else is feeling good about it.

My mom has moved back to my nieces house was just easier with the niece doesn't have any and they can just run around out there in the everything is so much better here without the extra pets around...we love them but they don't like other made it hard in the yard....all the animals are so much happier as are we...except that I buy our meat etc monthly so we have extra food each meal that we just don't it is becoming hard to figure out what to do with we hate wasting it as it is expensive...we are all feeling less stressed as everyone has their own space again.

I did use the CC to order a couple things online as it is easier to control and has no access to our other accounts....but will put the money back on it from our christmas I am just going to relook at my budget to make sure we are on track to pay off our CC by end of year...fingers is the only debt we have right now

paid $1000

October 12th, 2023 at 10:28 am

Well it was payday today and we paid $1000 off of our we are 1/5 of paying it off...will hopefully pay another 500-1000 off on the next payday...fingers crossed!!

christmas shopping

October 8th, 2023 at 12:57 am

Well we only have 78 days till christmas🤫

This year has gone by so fast...I have about 2/3 of my christmas shopping done (just need to wrap it) and today I wil finish up my list of what we need to get or want to get and continue looking at sales to finish it the kids are older they pretty much buy what they they get 1 thing under the tree and money to buy what they want on after christmas sales...this year I found a great money one for them so will be fun watching them open it...but one thing we have always done is either pay cash for it (especially these days) or do the 5 month layaway that they have...use to do one for charity as well but just send them money now...much easier for them to get what they need in whatever age group (foster kids) that they how is everyone else doing in regards to christmas?

$1000 on CC this week

October 8th, 2023 at 12:50 am

We on thursday it is excited...we don't have any bills to pay as they are all paid so going to beable to put $1000 on the CC...that is what I was hoping to do and that is what I can going to...that will leave us about $200 in our personal account (we have multiple accounts) but this is our everyday account...and if we don't use it by end of month then will transfer it to the glad to finally be back on track...have a long way to go when it comes to our ice and savings but once CC is paid off by end of year then 2024 I can really focus on those and start adding more to them.


bills paid and savings

October 3rd, 2023 at 04:24 am

Love the beginning of the month we manage to pay all our bills and then don't have to worry about them...except our rent but we just put it into an account it it gets taken straight out, so don't have to worry about it...have managed to put $1000 into our ice acct and $500 into savings (yes I am doing them both at the same time) and although I haven't made payments to the CC yet this month, we still have 2 paydays so I am hoping to put between $1000-$1500 on it this month...fingers crossed.

We only have to go to costco to get a few things, its 45 mins away so only go every few months and going to get halloween candy this will do that thursday...and we have to go back to the market in the city as they only had 1 bag of prawns left...and I like theirs as they are will do that in a couple weeks...everything else has been bought for the menu and will only need things like bread/milk/fruit/fresh vegies

so feeling good this month that things are back on track...and hopefully stays that way

wow spent $1000 in 2 hrs

September 29th, 2023 at 03:51 am

Well we had an extra pay for some reason this month and oct will be a busy month for us so I used it to do a majority of our shopping so I have bought all the staples and meat for the month..which means I have less to put away for food in october...which will be nice can put extra on my CC that will be nice.

Also disappointed that I have been waiting 5 weeks for a package and it says it has been delivered and it never was...hard to track as it came from china (I mean what doesn't) so that is just something else we have to deal with...

do you believe this saying??

September 28th, 2023 at 08:57 am

I have this saying that when you buy something on sale you don't actually save anything unless you put the "extra" monry into if something is $10 and you get it for $ don't save $5 unless you put it in the just get it for a cheaper extended family hates it when I say that but it is the truth...what do you think??

does planning make you stay on track?

September 25th, 2023 at 10:19 am

I have started from scratch again with my budget and everything. I have noticed that when I get sick or stressed and things fall away and not planned then I just don't bother and it is hard when you have a chronic illness to always stay on track...So I have redone my budget starting october (our next pay cycle), have my meals planned and have my shopping lists ready to go (we got to 5 different stores/markets) I am hoping that helps me stay on track and get back on track and stay there. Does anyone else do this?, if you do does it help you stay on track?

I am thankful that our bills are paid every month and we don't add to our debt which is only our dreaded CC which should be paid by end of year....then we can start saving for a house, we have also started decluttering and have sold a couple things and still have plenty to get ready for that will be a few extra dollars...although some of it has been put towards a home generator that we decided to buy as with a hot summer they are talking about rolling blackouts and we will struggle with that

Let me know if you plan and any hints and tips that have worked for you...Thanks

a little pay raise!!

September 18th, 2023 at 01:59 am

Well firs off the dog is fine and they think it is just a cyst that he has had a couple of before so right now it is wait and no extra money out there other than the $80 consult fee.

As prices are soaring here with everything the govt is upping their payments and each payment is getting different amounts...we are getting the following which will help out

Back paid $350 (jan2022 till june) for utilities (elec) for having fibromyalgia then $50 every quarter from then on.

We also get an extra 75per fortnight (2 weeks) from now on

so every little bit helps...we did use the CC as hubby bought a generator since we are suppose to have rolling blackouts this summer....but we do have the money to put it back on the CC just need to get down to the bank...he got it when they had a sale for that 1 day and he was out and he saved $ was an hour away and he had his cash in the that is covered..managed to put a little extra on there this month

fingers crossed things stay on track and keep adding up in the positive side of the budget and financials

budget 2023/2024

September 13th, 2023 at 03:23 am

Well yesterday I sat down and did our never really changes in that our bills always remain similar..we do however add 10% moe each year as they usually go up...especially now...and it can be hard as we do get US money and we all know how much the dollar I usually round down so I know we can cover everything. The CC will be paid off by end of year...should have some good savings next year....but in saying that our dog has the vet today as we found a growth on hid need to get checked out and see what it is...and I told my daughter that I will help with her fertility although we will have savings not sure of amount right now...

Resetting everything!!

September 12th, 2023 at 01:36 am

Well the last couple months have been a bust in every way imaginable...the weather has been horrible, cold/wet/windy has been bad for all of us...I had 2 cold viruses and influenza B all at the same time..had to get some chunks cut out to check for cancer (told today it hadn't turned to cancer yet) now everyone has bad hayfever....and I don't even want to talk about the budget....SO...I am resetting everything...starting with the with the weather starting to fine up....the house all open with fresh air...I am going to sit down and do my budget as I WANT to be debt free by end of year and then have saving goals for a house deposit end of next year....wish me luck

the good, the bad and the ugly

September 1st, 2023 at 04:18 am

So a little catch up has been a couple weeks or so...I think our tax saga is finally over...a little update on the last 3 phone I had to amend our taxes so I called them and asked how to do it over the phone and they told me where to put the amounts we did that and sent them in...didn't hear anything for a couple months so I called to find out what was going on as we owed (I paid what we thought we owed them..this is for 2021) and this nice older lady was looking through my records and I was explaining to her what has happened over the last 2 years with it..the guy who processed it did it wrong and added the amended amount to the already taxed amount and said we owed approc $2800...she was reading through it and said it was all done wrong and that she would personally do it herself since she knew what was going on and was taking noted etc....I was then given a 3 month reprieve from interest as it was being amended..still hadn't heard anything and the 3 months was almost up (tomorrow) so called to get an update...told her we hadn't received granted the issues began because they never received my taxes in 2021..even though I called and asked several times if they had or if they wanted me to resend them and they said this year I sent them both together and had them sign for them so I knew they got them...and if they didn't sign then I would have something saying that they wouldn't sign for them...but they did but they charged me for not sending them in last year...because they never got the nice lady from the 2nd call managed to get all the fees dropped as she could see that I had called we ended up only owing $32 which was we are so thankful for that and glad that it is finally over...we were able to pay that online.

In other financial news...I was sick with 2 cold viruses and influenza was under the weather...we never got the paperwork in for our car registaration and I forgot about we were fined $556 for driving an unregistered car...purely my fault I just forgot about that sucks...but then I also received a call here in Aust the govt if you have certain chronic illnesses will pay you a small amount each year (broken down to each 4 months) to help with heating/cooling costs....both my daughter and I had to reapply and both got rejected...and I asked why because my doc is the one that manages it and specialists are so expensive and so hard to get into that many people either couldn't or wouldn't be able to get in to a specialist again...and the specialist that diagnosed me I would have to start again but the GP's are the ones who manage everyone not specialists...this was a couple months ago..she called yesterday and said that it wasn't in their policy and not something they thought about so they had a meeting and decided that yes GP's can now do the paperwork and we were going to get paid as they have changed the policy and thankyou for bringing it to their attention...they were also going to contact others in the same situation as us who had been rejected and let them know that they would be getting paid as that was a nice little bonus...especially since elec prices have jumped another 20% this year..average elec bills are around $800-1000 a quarter.

I then was changing my moms dog registration since she lives with us and realised we hadn't got our dogs rego in (it actually our daughters dog) but he lives with had to call and get that sorted as well. my nephew turns 18 in oct and we told him he has to pay rent to live here...he doesn't like that idea so he is thinking of moving we will see....he really has no clue about money and paying bills etc...he thinks he knows everything and doesn't listen to any of he can learn on his own..he makes decent money for his age...but we will see what happens when it comes time to matter where he goes he will have to pay something.

And last but not least I had a couple  biopsies apiece cut out of my neck and back of my shin to test for cancer...should find out in a couple weeks...also wants me to do the  actinic keratosis treatment on my will take 3 months from start to finish and you look like something out of a horror show...I am thinking about it but don't want to do until the new year as I want family photos done as my hubbys cancer numbers are starting to climb a bit again (3rd time) and he had been diagnosed with diabetes (not insulin dependant) and don't want to walk around like that for we will discuss and it just turned spring here don't want to be stuck in the house for another 3 will discuss with the doc in a couple weeks when I get my stitches out.

Well that about catches us up for now...just need to go balance the budget with the fine and all but it may make me short for paying off my CC by end of year..we will see..fingers crossed I can make it work


Paying off CC slowly

August 19th, 2023 at 07:19 am

Have only 1 debt which is the dreaded plan is to pay it off by the end of year so we can start 2024 debt free..I have currently paid off $500 this month with 1 more payday to on track right now..fingers crossed it stays that way

renewed lease

August 5th, 2023 at 04:05 am

Well we renewed our lease for another year it is just to much hassle to move right now especially since we still have my mom and nephew living with us till they find a rental (has been 11 months) and it also gives us some time to save towards a house deposit and the rent only went up by $20pw. We also want to go through and declutter when they move out as my hubby can't do a lot of things that he use to since his cancer treatment so will sell a bunch of it...and my daughter is going to declutter as well as she has so much stuff and she is thinking of closing down her jewellry business as she has other interests now that take up more of her time.

We have switched banks now and that should make banking a little more secure than our last bank..they don't like to pay up if people are scammed etc and I don't trust now with a bigger bank...and have our savings in another bank...will hopefully be debt free by end of year and then saving for a house deposit

also started using an investment app...see how that goes...wanting to learn how to invest starting off small

What a month!!...and 1 major thing

July 31st, 2023 at 11:37 am

I hate winter it has been so cold, wet, windy and dreary almost everyday for 3 months..we occassionally see the sun peek through the clouds...but not everyone has been feeling a bit down that we can't get out more into nature, beach etc....but we have had some unexpected things happen...first 2 things happened to our car that we have never had happen before...the seatbelt latch broke in the car so you couldn't do the seatbelt one was ordered..we got it still had a light on which means if we were in an accident then the airbags would'nt go off..which means it was faulty so had to order another one and get that one replaced...finally that was all done...then our ignition switch stopped had someone come out and look at it...was an easy fix..the keys were getting old (car is 15 plus yrs old) so it wasn't connecting with the ignition swith and we just got a new cost $220 but cheaper than an all new ignition that was some unexpected expenses we werent expecting

Now for some shocking...disgusting news...that is not money related but I am sick to my stomach about!!

10 days ago my niece aged 24, who we have nothing to do with as she takes drugs, she is violent and breaks the law etc...was arrested for child neglect and child endangerment!!!...she has a 5 year old and an 18 month old who she barely raises...her mother has them way more than she does...apparently her and her mom got into an arguement and werent the police showed up at her mothers house and said they needed her to go with them as they were taking her children off of her...the house was a mess but shockingly the 18 month old had an over flowing diaper that had live maggots in it...I am sick to my stomach..knowing those kids went through that...I am beyond disgusted that I am related to her and I was hoping they would keep her in jail...but today she got bail and home detention...she is not to be within 50 metres of children...and has to wear a monitor...I know she will break her bail conditions...she is that sort of person like the rules don't apply to her...she has 7 convictions of physical violence against her, she has breaking and entering...not sure if she has been charged with that...but I am just appalled to be related to her...sorry for the rant but I just can't seem to get past this...on the upside I have been changing all my banking to a new bank and getting it set up...and hoping to pay off our CC by end of year so we will debt free and I have started using an investment app and starting off small and just adding to it until I learn how to invest better!!

tax drama...not over!!!

July 6th, 2023 at 03:39 am

So I called the tax office back after a couple weeks like they asked me..waited till after the 4th...tried to explain again to a new person what has been going on and to see if we owed we had to amend our taxes...she was looking through it and said that the person who did them messed them up and added the tax in instead of readjusting it...they didn't read the notes so she did it while I was on the phone and she is seeing what she can do about the late fees/interest etc, so she said the first 2 letters we get don't do anything as it will say we owe around $2800 (we don't) and then we will get in 3 more letters and that will say what we fingers crossed after that we will be done...

Other than that and a few extra bills we have to pay we are finally getting back on track and starting to get some $ in the bank again...will update later in the month

elec increases and unknown broken bones

June 30th, 2023 at 12:49 am

Well on the 1st our electricity and gas prices increase...some are going up heaps but ours is only going up 19%...which is around $1000 extra year (give or take how much we use in summer etc) so will have to budget for that...everything has been going up.

Went to see my ent specialist yesterday..took 3 months and I have some sort of ear issue that keeps my ears damp (on the inside) and it creates a rash almost like excema  that makes my ears crazy have  cream and drops to help it...I also have all sorts of sinus issues and also found out that I have a burst eardrum that has now scarred over and that my nose has been broken in 3 places...he asked when they happened and I said never...he said I would know as both would be painful and I told him I have never had pain in my ears or a broken nose...called my mom , she said the same thing never had we have no idea when or how that happened....although maybe I just didn't feel it as I did have a major ear infection years ago that my doc found on a routine appointment, she said it was the worst she had ever seen and I didn't even feel it...she said I should be in massive amounts of pain and it didn't even who knows...neither bother me but maybe thats why I have so many sinus issues because it was broken and never set...

Anyways need to readjust the budget and also figure out how to pay all the irs fees they have charged us...tried calling again today and they are to busy to answer, doesn't really help!!

Hope you all have a good 4th July

Another 20% plus increase

June 25th, 2023 at 02:40 pm

Well as of the 1st of July our electricity prices are rising 25-40% in our time to look around and see if offering the best deal and see where we go from there...the letter they sent me says that using our averages that we have been we will be spending approx an extra $1000 a year so we need to update our budget...we have already needed to raise our gas and grocery time to sit down with the budget and get it sorted to fit the new amounts. 

Still not sure if we will move or stay in this house when they lease comes up...or if they will even keep leasing to us...only time will tell, don't really want to move it is so much cost with packers and we can't do it ourselves anymore.

We shuld be debt free again by the end of the year so that wil be nice...had so many extra expenses that have come up and made things hard but we are getting back on track...not doing much else as the weather here has been cold, wet and windy...they say it was going to be warmer and drier but it hasn't I can't wait till spring gets here

Mom is still looking for affordable housing but no luck yet...has only been 9 months...but on the upside it has been nice seeing a lot more of her and spending more time with her.  

IRS and other updates

June 6th, 2023 at 08:55 am

Well it was a wrong prefix on the phone number changed the 3 to a 2 and it was fine, the woman was so rude and beligerent to me for no reason I guess she doesn't like mondays...but was able to get a 90 day hold while they do the amendment...but pretty much what they are charging us is late fees so not sure how we will get that done...I am still trying to find out what happened to the taxes last year and where they ended up...I was trying to see if they have fallen into the wrong hands but that has been hard as we don't have a US address or phone so still trying to figure it all out from our end....only time will tell.

My mom is still looking for a house...been 9 months already...housing is ridicuous...but on a positive note my nephew finally got his licence!!

help with irs phone number PLEASE??

June 3rd, 2023 at 02:19 am

I finally got a hold of the IRS as we had to do an amendment, we paid what they said we owed (once we figured it out properly) which was lower than what they said (before the amendment was put in), they said they have the amendment but haven't done it yet and that our outstanding balance has been given to collections, but to call them and as them to wait on everything until the amendment has been done...they gave me a number 367 941 1004...I call but it says it is a erong number...I have no idea how collections work...never owed people money like this...and now can't call them to get it sorted...have looked all over their page to see if I can find a number but to no avail...can anyone help me please...this is so frustrating,,,have told them it takes a minimum 8-16 weeks to get mail from them but they don't seem to care and we don't know anything until we can get a hold of them so if anyone can help that would be great...never had to deal with such an  incompetent company such as the IRS!! 

federal payment default?

May 21st, 2023 at 03:03 am

Do you think the US govt will default and what will it mean for those reliant on social security, US pensions etc? how will they pay things...and do you think the politicians will still take their paychecks? Hope they can get it sorted...but I don't live over there so am I reading it all wrong?

catch up

May 18th, 2023 at 07:37 am

Has been a little while  but have been mom has now moved in with us so our house has been busting at the seams, and we have her pets as well that doesn't like other animals so we have to keep them just means more people, more cooking, more grocery shopping etc....most of which I am doing. Seriously housing over here is beyond a joke and so hard to get. She was living with my niece but her hubby's dad had a bad medical episode and has had to move in with them so my mom had to move.

I am going to redo all my budgeting and thinking about moving banks as well, as I have just gone off the rails and I'm not sure the bank meets all our needs researching that....hoping to get back on track soon and start over...anxiety has been through the roof and made things harder...and the weather is getting so cold (for us anyway) and so that doesn't help....time to press the reset button.

Hope everyone else has been doing great and achieving their goals!!

is there any tax brackets for 2023??

April 20th, 2023 at 12:38 am

Can anyone tell me if there is somewhere that I can find how much we need to put away for taxes...we never owe and the last 2 years (which has just been completed) we have owed on both of them and it looks like from last year to this year our taxes that we owed doubled...but I would like to make sure we don't owe again but not sure what to put it going to go up another $1000 plus again this year...have tried irs but couldn't find it...anyone have any ideas...our income is under $60,000...Thanks

We owe taxes!!

April 14th, 2023 at 02:31 am

So after 2 months of waiting to hear from the IRS we finally got a letter in and apparently we owe taxes for 2021 and 2022....they are also charging us as they say we never sent them in last year (which we did and we have told them this and called many times about the taxes so they can see that we called and should have notes on  the file) states that they need to be paid by end of march and we will be charged $45pd that they aren't paid and we had to also do an amendment as there was apparently a mistake made....I know we sent them in so now we don't know where last years taxes ended do we know if someone over there is using our information and racking up debt....or if they  have them sitting in a dead box at the irs that concerns us...but with how long mail is god knows how we deal with this..we have however upped the amount of taxes they take out so we don't owe again (we have never owed money before) so I guess the tax saga isn't over yet!!

Nothing seems to be going well lately...ours daughters 5th iui didn't work, we still can't get my mom/nephew affordable housing, I reacted badly to my anxiety meds and had to come off of hasn't been great...a childhood friend is having a funeral today...we are not going as i don't do funerals and it is my hubby s etc is still going up...

I do want to move and so have been that helps

A few questions

April 8th, 2023 at 10:22 am

Just wondering if everyone who budgets do you have seperate accounts to keep your money in say POM (peace of mind/yearly bills), ice acct, car, animals, etc or just 1 and just figure out a monthly amount that needs to go into it is available when the bill comes in...seperate savings...just those that need to budget I know some of you have lots of money so not really an issue...what other things do you add in your budget? or what budget tools do you use?

on other notes...we may not be moving...wanting to but housing is so scarce here right we will see. Just found out that my niece has stage 4 melanoma...we are waiting to find out if it has gone to her lymph nodes or not...sad she has 3 kids (2 are special needs) hopefully they will get through this.

Still have my nephew here living with us..still looking for housing for my mom and him to move into...been 8 months frustrating...really want our house back to ourselves...he is easy going and not a hassle but just need the space back for our daughter....can't believe its april already hubbys birthday next week he really doesn't want to do anything...

decluttering and moving!

March 22nd, 2023 at 05:33 am

Our lease is up in 7 months and I really don't want to stay in this house anymore..2.5 years is enough...they have heating and cooling in 1 room so it hot in summer (also has a flat roof) and cold in winter...our daughter who lives with us plans on having a baby this year (early next year) and this house isn't good for that...and no matter what we do this house has never felt like a we want to find somewhere else to I have decided today to start decluttering...I know most people say but you have 7 months...but we have the house, 2 small sheds out back. the garage, 2 outside rooms and a storage unit....I know we can pare down some...a lot of it is hubbys tools, our daughters jewellry business stuff and their sewing stuff as wwell as baby stuff (but that will be in its own room when we move) have a lot to do and it gives me plenty of time to go through things and throw away/donate/ when it is time to move everything will be done...will also be trying to work on the yard...and closer to the time obviously deep cleaning the I am excited to be doing this....I am a minimalist who lives with people who love their projects..also stretches out payments for things like rubbish removal (we fill our bins each week with rubbish/recycling/green so that helps out) but will need it for the bigger things that they no longer use or want to keep.

Other than that we have now hit autumn and the weather here has been so  weird this last 12 we will see what it is like but the uv reading here everyday is extreme and we can feel the difference...but I think the weather world wide has been a bit bipolar!

devastating news

March 19th, 2023 at 07:50 am

Found out yesterday that a childhhod friend passed was her second time having cancer and she had stell cell treatment didn't go well I guess because she passed..not sure if it was from the cancer or if she got an infection or what..her sister (her only living relative) doesn't want anyone to contact her right now which is understandable...but I have no words...she was only 53 and the only the 2nd person I know that has died from school...she had so much life to live and it has been taken away so really makes you think how easy life can disappear...her sister now has to go through all her things...decide on what to do with her all the financial stuff...just devastated...knew her almost my entire life and now nothing..she is no longer around...I just can't get my head around it...sorry for the rant

more US tax please!!

March 14th, 2023 at 02:57 am

So our taxes haven't gone into our US bank...and it has been a month since they sent the 1st we are sure they have sent checks to us...well no bank in or country (at least in our state) accepts overseas checks, we can't contact the IRS unless we call them which costs a lot...especially with our new we are not sure what we are going to we send them back with our bank details again, and get them to put them into our account or do we try and sign them and send them to our bank? I don't like that because mail gets lost all the time and I'm not sure they would sign for a letter from us and I don't want the checks stolen.

When we sent in the taxes we stated that our country doesn't accept checks...4 times in a letter on sticky notes pointing to the banking details (yes it is a US account) so just don't know why they have done this....any ideas on what else can be done...and no because we don't have a US address we can't do a loy online...let me know if you have any ideas please!!

always something!

March 5th, 2023 at 03:00 am

Well since our taxes haven't gone into the bank we are guessing they are sending cheques which sucks as we can't cash them not sure what we should do when they arrive...if they arrive!

Also disputing 2 CC transactions that they have taken off our card...we ordered it in 2021 and all was good they had a glitch in their system and recharged me in nov 2022...they said to tell company what happened and get it refunded which I did and then they got back to me and said that the company said that yes I ordered from them and it was to be paid...I kept all the emails and then sent it to my CC company where they said it was a mistake and that I should get it refunded by the CC company...but it can take 6 weeks to process and I'm not going to pay fees, so we will see what happens....I also sent them a nasty email and put a bad review up on their page about ripping people off and lying to us and companies!!

Other than that most bills are paid, we paid for majority of our daughters IUI this month so won't have any savings but we are working on paying off the CC so we can be debt free again...will take 2-3 months then should be done and can start saving again.

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