Home > wow spent $1000 in 2 hrs

wow spent $1000 in 2 hrs

September 29th, 2023 at 04:51 am

Well we had an extra pay for some reason this month and oct will be a busy month for us so I used it to do a majority of our shopping so I have bought all the staples and meat for the month..which means I have less to put away for food in october...which will be nice can put extra on my CC that will be nice.

Also disappointed that I have been waiting 5 weeks for a package and it says it has been delivered and it never was...hard to track as it came from china (I mean what doesn't) so that is just something else we have to deal with...

4 Responses to “wow spent $1000 in 2 hrs”

  1. Amber Says:

    Sorry to hear about your package. I had this happen earlier this month, I reached out to the post office and they actually had the box sitting there.

  2. mumof2 Says:

    no luck here it was picked up at the airport like all packages but no-one has tracking on it so don't know who picked it up or where they delivered it to...has been 5 days and still trying

  3. Amber Says:

    That really sucks, I’m sorry

  4. mumof2 Says:

    Thanks the company in china won't answer me so I email them everyday asking who delivered it...literally everyday and I will continue to do so...

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