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the good, the bad and the ugly

September 1st, 2023 at 05:18 am

So a little catch up has been a couple weeks or so...I think our tax saga is finally over...a little update on the last 3 phone I had to amend our taxes so I called them and asked how to do it over the phone and they told me where to put the amounts we did that and sent them in...didn't hear anything for a couple months so I called to find out what was going on as we owed (I paid what we thought we owed them..this is for 2021) and this nice older lady was looking through my records and I was explaining to her what has happened over the last 2 years with it..the guy who processed it did it wrong and added the amended amount to the already taxed amount and said we owed approc $2800...she was reading through it and said it was all done wrong and that she would personally do it herself since she knew what was going on and was taking noted etc....I was then given a 3 month reprieve from interest as it was being amended..still hadn't heard anything and the 3 months was almost up (tomorrow) so called to get an update...told her we hadn't received granted the issues began because they never received my taxes in 2021..even though I called and asked several times if they had or if they wanted me to resend them and they said this year I sent them both together and had them sign for them so I knew they got them...and if they didn't sign then I would have something saying that they wouldn't sign for them...but they did but they charged me for not sending them in last year...because they never got the nice lady from the 2nd call managed to get all the fees dropped as she could see that I had called we ended up only owing $32 which was we are so thankful for that and glad that it is finally over...we were able to pay that online.

In other financial news...I was sick with 2 cold viruses and influenza was under the weather...we never got the paperwork in for our car registaration and I forgot about we were fined $556 for driving an unregistered car...purely my fault I just forgot about that sucks...but then I also received a call here in Aust the govt if you have certain chronic illnesses will pay you a small amount each year (broken down to each 4 months) to help with heating/cooling costs....both my daughter and I had to reapply and both got rejected...and I asked why because my doc is the one that manages it and specialists are so expensive and so hard to get into that many people either couldn't or wouldn't be able to get in to a specialist again...and the specialist that diagnosed me I would have to start again but the GP's are the ones who manage everyone not specialists...this was a couple months ago..she called yesterday and said that it wasn't in their policy and not something they thought about so they had a meeting and decided that yes GP's can now do the paperwork and we were going to get paid as they have changed the policy and thankyou for bringing it to their attention...they were also going to contact others in the same situation as us who had been rejected and let them know that they would be getting paid as that was a nice little bonus...especially since elec prices have jumped another 20% this year..average elec bills are around $800-1000 a quarter.

I then was changing my moms dog registration since she lives with us and realised we hadn't got our dogs rego in (it actually our daughters dog) but he lives with had to call and get that sorted as well. my nephew turns 18 in oct and we told him he has to pay rent to live here...he doesn't like that idea so he is thinking of moving we will see....he really has no clue about money and paying bills etc...he thinks he knows everything and doesn't listen to any of he can learn on his own..he makes decent money for his age...but we will see what happens when it comes time to matter where he goes he will have to pay something.

And last but not least I had a couple  biopsies apiece cut out of my neck and back of my shin to test for cancer...should find out in a couple weeks...also wants me to do the  actinic keratosis treatment on my will take 3 months from start to finish and you look like something out of a horror show...I am thinking about it but don't want to do until the new year as I want family photos done as my hubbys cancer numbers are starting to climb a bit again (3rd time) and he had been diagnosed with diabetes (not insulin dependant) and don't want to walk around like that for we will discuss and it just turned spring here don't want to be stuck in the house for another 3 will discuss with the doc in a couple weeks when I get my stitches out.

Well that about catches us up for now...just need to go balance the budget with the fine and all but it may make me short for paying off my CC by end of year..we will see..fingers crossed I can make it work


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