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do you believe this saying??

September 28th, 2023 at 09:57 am

I have this saying that when you buy something on sale you don't actually save anything unless you put the "extra" monry into if something is $10 and you get it for $ don't save $5 unless you put it in the just get it for a cheaper extended family hates it when I say that but it is the truth...what do you think??

2 Responses to “do you believe this saying??”

  1. Brunette Says:

    I think it depends on what you do actually do with the savings. It doesn't necessarily have to go in the bank, but if you plan what to do with the savings, I still consider it saved money. If you buy lunch because you "saved" $10, I wouldn't consider it savings. But, if you add that saved $10 to your grocery or gas budget because it was $10 you didn't have before, I would consider it savings.

    I don't know if that makes sense outside of my head. LOL!

  2. mumof2 Says:

    Yes I get what you are saying but I would class that as extra money not savings as you don't technically save are either getting something cheaper (like in my scenario) or adding to another area...which isn't savings...does that make sense??

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