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does planning make you stay on track?

September 25th, 2023 at 11:19 am

I have started from scratch again with my budget and everything. I have noticed that when I get sick or stressed and things fall away and not planned then I just don't bother and it is hard when you have a chronic illness to always stay on track...So I have redone my budget starting october (our next pay cycle), have my meals planned and have my shopping lists ready to go (we got to 5 different stores/markets) I am hoping that helps me stay on track and get back on track and stay there. Does anyone else do this?, if you do does it help you stay on track?

I am thankful that our bills are paid every month and we don't add to our debt which is only our dreaded CC which should be paid by end of year....then we can start saving for a house, we have also started decluttering and have sold a couple things and still have plenty to get ready for that will be a few extra dollars...although some of it has been put towards a home generator that we decided to buy as with a hot summer they are talking about rolling blackouts and we will struggle with that

Let me know if you plan and any hints and tips that have worked for you...Thanks

5 Responses to “does planning make you stay on track?”

  1. Lots of Ideas Says:

    Planning only works if you have a budget that covers every contingency.

    In addition to the budget categories for things like bills and food, you have to set aside money every month for things that are inevitable like home repairs, car repairs, and an emergency fund.

    If you go back over the past year and look at expenses that derailed your budget, how can you group them to put like items together? Then divide the amount in each category by 12 and that is what you need to save each month. You also need an emergency fund of 3-6 months of expenses. It takes a while to get that.

    It’s possible that your income won’t support that, and I know increasing your income isn’t very possible. You can try to reduce expenses, but that is also not easy. But at least you know where you really are financially.

  2. Brunette Says:

    I am such a planner! I plan everything: budgets, meals, schedules, etc.

    I've noticed that my life always goes easier when I stay on top of things. When I check out bank accounts and credit card account daily, when I fine tune my budget daily, when I have dinner figured out every day.

    Every day I make a to-do list. It's never too long because I want it to be manageable. I almost always get everything done on my list because I like feeling accomplished. I do the same thing at work. A to-do list is so helpful for me!

  3. mumof2 Says:

    lotsofideas...yes we have seperate accounts for everything, food/gas/pets/bills/car/ice/ we don't have house repairs as we rent, we have an ice say our car account it would cover insurance/registration/maintenance/tyres...everything to do with the car...same with pet it would cover yearly immunisations/registration/vet visits we already do that...our money covers all that but things have gone up in price...some a lot...and we have had a lot of specialists that we have had to see thats why we are drained...but working on getting everything back on track...emergency fund we are working on as well but it does take time.

    Brunette...I am the same I like to have everything planned but a month of everyone being sick and my CF is in overdrive right now so completely exhausted and hard to get things done...but doing my best...I do the same I have a white board in the lounge and everyone writes up there what needs to be done from phone calls to daily tasks to big things and we just erase when it is done...we also have a family planner that is up on the wall that everyone works for us

  4. Amber Says:

    Planning coupled with blogging keeps me on track. I actually started back using my planner, which I use to track my finances and things to do. It’s a game changer for me. Good luck 🍀

  5. LivingAlmostLarge Says:

    For finance? Not really. I just tend to pay routine bills and have a CC number I hit in my head.

    Now meal planning? HUGE savings for me personally. We don't eat out and we really stretch the dollars.

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