So I have started doing quite a bit around here, I have gone through 2 sheds and tidied them up and now have a big rubbish pile and stuff to sell....we have done 4 car loads from storage shed to our we are trying to do 1-2 a day until we get to the bigger stuff like shelving and wood then we will just get a truck for the day...will be more expensive but can't move them in our car...will hopefully be done by end of year with everything....this weekend I will take photos of some of the stuff we want to sell and advertise it and hopefully sell some of it....hubby has been cleaning the driveway....he should finish it today...just cleaning it but don't think it has been cleaned since it was poured in the 60s and we just need cleaner spaces. I am hoping the yard/storage/house/shed will all be done by end of year so we can start 2024 off in a clean positive way.
They asked hubby if he would like to go into a was for 11 days and would have paid $6500 but since his cancer is back he couldn't do as much as it would have don't miss what you never had...maybe next time..I'm sure god has other plans for us!
I don't think with what we have to pay out to get rid of rubbish etc that we will get the CC paid off by end of year...but going to pay as much as we can so hopefully early next year!