Well it is only 26 days away...my goodness this year has just flown by!!
Christmas is done, I only have some fresh foods to get closer to the day but that is all...its summer here so we have a lot of salads and fruit etc on xmas day..so makes it easier...but all gifts are done.
We no longer have our storage unit we have emptied it and handed it back...so saving $330 starting next month, that is going straight to savings...will still treat it as a bill. we got all our rubbish collected...honestly planned on 2 mini skips...at $500 each....but everything fitted into one so that was $500 we didn't need to spend....we still have 2 paydays left this month and I do still need to pay a couple bills but that will be done by end of year...which means I should have a bit extra to put on the CC which means a little less we need to pay next year!
Budget for 2024 is done and I am feeling positive about 2024!!