Home > we are moving again!!

we are moving again!!

June 30th, 2024 at 07:32 am

So we have new tenancy laws coming into effect monday so our landlord has decided not to renew our lease as they want to renovate...well they have to renovate to abide by the laws and then they will probably ask for more money for the rent. So we are starting to look around but it is slim picking...we found 2 so far...and one is an hour away so not good and the other one we can make it work but it has been trashed by the last tenants so they have some big repairs to we have applied but will look at the house once it is ready if we get accepted to make sure it is done. Not what we need to be doing here but it will also save us around $160 a month in rent...and t closer to where we do all our shopping, doctors, hospital stuff so will save on gas (petrol) as well..but it is winter and wet and we will have moving costs...but if it is meant to be it will be...we have to october to move.

on the upside our oldest daughter has started her ivf journey and our youngest is planning a wedding for that is great.

6 Responses to “we are moving again!!”

  1. Dido Says:

    Moving is such a pain but glad you are finding some potential upsides!

    Best of luck to your daughters as they move ahead with their lives!

  2. mumof2 Says:

    Thankyou...housing is so hard around here

  3. LivingAlmostLarge Says:

    Congrats for your two girls

  4. VS_ozgirl Says:

    Hoping you get that place! Upfront moving costs are annoying but the location and cost reduction over time should sweeten the deal.

  5. rob62521 Says:

    Hopefully this move, although a pain right now, will work out to be the best for you. And congrats on your daughters!

  6. mumof2 Says:

    Thankyou both girls as well as us are super excited...and I have to admit I am one of the few who doesnt mind moving..going through things, decluttering and just a new start is something I enjoy...although maybe not so much in has been cold and wet here

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