Home > Christmas on credit??

Christmas on credit??

December 13th, 2023 at 11:06 pm

I was at the store the other day when I overheard a couple of women talking and one said "I just finished paying off the CC from last christmas and now maxing it out again for this christmas"..her friend said "we are doing the's a yearly ritual for us" 

I have never put christmas on credit I either have a seperate account to put the money in (we put it away monthly) and there is alao an option here for a 5 month layby (layaway) for christmas (all toy related including game consoles etc) from one of the major retailers just pay it off over that time and pick it up right before I don't understand the concept of paying off gifts over an entire the interest you pay on the others do this for christmas?? or do u just pay for christmas as you pick up things??

4 Responses to “Christmas on credit??”

  1. LuckyRobin Says:

    I save for Christmas all year. I can't imagine maxing out a credit card for it. I have used a credit card in the past, but never maxed it out. If people are doing that, they are giving gifts to too many people, are giving too many gifts, or are giving gifts that are out of their price range. Or all of the above. I set my budget at the beginning of the year and divide it by 12. Each month I put that amount into an envelope. Most people are not disciplined enough to do this anymore, but it was the way people used to do it all the time. That or layaway.

  2. Wink Says:

    I also save for Christmas spending in a Christmas fund and have a set amount of money to spend. I do charge Christmas purchases on my cash back credit card, but I always pay it off in full before any interest accrues.

  3. livingalmostlarge Says:

    I hear that a lot from friends. Oh I am charging our christmas plans

  4. mumof2 Says:

    I still can't believe people go into debt for christmas...if they just set money away each pay and spend what they have then it would make their lives much glad I am around like minded people

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