Home > well get use to the pain

well get use to the pain

January 26th, 2024 at 12:58 am

Well my shoulder and knee pain has finally gotten to the point where it is affecting my life to much so I asked the doc for xrays or scans...she did both for shoulder and xrays for my knee...I do have oesteoarthritis in both knees and have tendonitis with floating calcium in the has been hard to do things but hubby and daughter have been helping a lot and my physio has been helping with massage...but god I am so bored not being able to do much and also my eyes have been bad and getting worse...I am thinking it may be my liver (who knows) so I also have to go see eye medics to get them assessed as when I wear my glasses my eyes really hurt...but they do get really dry...and I do tend to put eye drops in around 4 plus times a day...other than that things are just rolling along

2 Responses to “well get use to the pain”

  1. mumof2 Says:

    no its summer here but my eyes do get dry and I do "water" them daily with eyedrops

  2. rob62521 Says:

    Sorry about your pain. Hope your eyes get to feeling better too.

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