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bad news and getting ready for 2024

December 31st, 2023 at 01:58 am

Well the bad news friend who has health issues and lives with her sister and BIL was found at the end of her bed unconscious...she was taken to the ER and is in icu but they haven't figured out what has happened to her yet..she is moving around but not conscious or following hopefully fingers crossed she will pull through not the way anyone wants to end the year. This has brought my anxiety on big time so not having a great day.

The 2024 budget is up and running and since we got paid early then I have been able to start it, the budget will be tight this year as we want to get everything paid off this year so probably no savings but to be completely debt free will be fine. We have done our menu plan for the month and already done the january monthly shop as we were paid early so we will only need to get things likefruit/veg/milk/bread each week or as needed. 

I am unlike you all where I can write what we have paid off and saved as we just aren't there yet to where we do that but will get there. But I am feeling very positive for 2024 and I want to wish you all a happy and prosperous new years...and yes it news year here tonight 😀

Many everyone dreams and goals come true

2 Responses to “bad news and getting ready for 2024”

  1. Dido Says:

    I hope that your friend pulls through and that your dreams for 2024 come true.

  2. mumof2 Says:

    It took 2 days but she is conscious now...still have to get mri to see if stroke or not (by blood clot) so it is a waiting game still...but thankful she is doing better

    will update side bar at end of each month

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