Home > cut off for taxes?

cut off for taxes?

July 28th, 2020 at 11:50 am

Just wondering what the cut off date for taxes being in is? I called them at beginning of month and they said that the texas office had only been to work for 2 weeks so if it was there they had to work through them..we sent them mid april...we have checked online and they still say that they haven't received them...don't know wether to give them another call, or resend says not to do both on the irs page..but then do we get in trouble if they haven't reached the office..its been 3.5 months since we sent them..its been frustrating...same with my itin number they said it wasn't done..when I spoke to the tax people last time they said it had been done in feb...letter sent in march and we have no letters...I am just frustrated with this whole process...its not cheap to call across the world on a cell fone and try to sort it out..thoughts?

3 Responses to “cut off for taxes?”

  1. Lots of Ideas Says:

    The entire US government is a mess.
    They are reportedly even trying to slow down mail delivery.
    The tax deadline was extended until July 15.

    Hopefully you are not waiting for a refund. If so, maybe reduce your withholding for the rest of this year to not be in that situation and get extra money in you check now.

    If you owe money, I would try not to worry about when they might figure out that you haven’t paid yet.
    They will need to be forgiving. Keep copies of what you filed and hopefully things will get better next year.

  2. Amber Says:

    Yes mail here in the states is a mess, I hope you get things straighten out

  3. mumof2 Says:

    lots of ideas...yes we are due a refund but not much of one..I think next year we have family over there and will get them to do them for us online...this year was a bit harder as we were waiting on my itin number

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