Home > budgeting is hard

budgeting is hard

June 4th, 2021 at 09:00 am

Over the last few months with moving and couch surfing I really found budgeting hard, all our savings went into moving and we didn't have much left...all our other money went into our bond and rent (over $4000).

When we moved I was happy but bummed out and just thought do we just keep renting for the rest of our lives or stick to our budget and save what we can and just find what we can for the deposit we have....deposits over here are super expensive as you have around $25,000 in fees that you have to pay up front on top of the deposit...and it just seems so out of our reach at I decided that I would stick to the budget and see what we can save in the next 16 months and then see if we can buy...and hope in the next 15 months house prices drop!!

So I have been rejigging the budget and saving what we can and we are now up to $3900 in the house deposit acct in 2 months...and should be able to save a little more this month so our focus till sept 2022 will be saving as much as possible but also trying to live a nice life...wish me luck going to need all the good vibes I can get to stay on track....what do others do to stay on track...I know many of you have a lot of money but for those who don't how do you stay on track?

7 Responses to “budgeting is hard”

  1. Sue Says:

    I think you've done great for 2 months - the key is to forget about it and never touch it. I know that is so hard, but I put mine in Cap 360 account which takes a couple days to get and quite frankly, I forget about it and never touch it. I consistently put money in, but refuse to let myself take money out. That is what works for me....since if it was handy at the credit union, going out for lunch might qualify for "an emergency" to me!!!

  2. mumof2 Says:

    Sue I am pretty as long as something doesn't come up...but it did cost us a lot to move and get settled...but I rarely go out due to illness so that makes it much easier

  3. terri77 Says:

    Honestly, there’s nothing wrong with renting. When I sell my condo that’s exactly what I plan to do.

  4. Sue Says:

    moving can be SO expensive, and if you are unable to do it yourself, probably double the cost so I get it!! Hopefully now that the move is over you can get that savings built back up!! It stinks that you are stuck in the house due to illness, even if it does help save money!!! Unfortunately it doesn't help me to stay home....can you say Amazon, lol

  5. rob62521 Says:

    Glad you have found some place and you are doing well. As some of said, there is nothing wrong with renting. A friend of mine, in her later years, said it was worth the extra expense of renting because the landlord had to deal with all those problems and she was at a time in her life she didn't want to. She could afford to purchase and did sell her home, but renting was a far better choice and cheaper in the long run as we all know, homes always have an issue here or there.

  6. Nutria Says:

    Are these $25,000 fees for buying a house?

  7. mumof2 Says:

    nutria...sorry I replied to you but it disappeared yes those fees are on top of the deposit you need

    renting is hard as you need to move all the time and we don't want to do that anymore

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