Home > looking for rentasl & other musings

looking for rentasl & other musings

July 29th, 2024 at 04:34 pm

We have been looking for rentals and they are so over priced it is ridiculous...but I have also noticed how many have exclusions on their properties of what you can use and not use....which I would never rent...if Im renting a property I want to rent the entire property not just parts of it especially since you are over charging for it... and they usually only have 1 we were suppose to see a nice house today but hubby had an eye appointment (has to have a needle in his eye each month) and the doctor was running 2 hours late so we didnt make it, I did call and explain, but you also can't apply for a house without looking at it so it makes it a bit difficult as mom was coming over to look after our dog (has severe seperation anxiety) we didnt get to look at the property but we had my mom over for dinner and spent some time with her and all was good.

I am inclined these days just to go with the we didnt get to see that house but if we were suppose to we would have....but we had a nice dinner with my hubby got treatment on his eye and its my daughters birthday today (30th) so all is good...what I can't believe is that it is almost august...where has this year feels like we just had christmas a few weeks ago!!

4 Responses to “looking for rentasl & other musings”

  1. VS_ozgirl Says:

    Honestly the rental situation is another sign that our country has gone backwards. What they are asking in rent per week is such a high portion of the average wage that it’s a joke. And the fact that a lot of the younger generation eg 21-35 now need to rely on gifts from their families to afford a deposit for a home just shows how bad things really are. And I also don’t understand why landlords would even leave their stuff in their rental and bar their tenants from that area? I’ve heard of it and think it’s the dumbest thing ever.

  2. mumof2 Says:

    vsozgirl...OMG this is what we are up against here it is just insane and this house is $600pw...these are things that are restricted at the house.

    1: The property is rented furnished, an inventory will be completed, the inside furniture may be moved but must remain in the property at all times, the outside furniture may be moved also but must not be taken off the premises.
    2: The electricity will remain in the landlords name, the landlord will pay for the bill in full, the tenant will be invoiced for the owners reimbursement.
    3: The internet is wifi via a portable device, this can be left onsite and the tenant will be invoiced $89 per month. Or the tenant may organise their own internet within the properties availability.
    4: Two gas bottles on-site, the owner will continue to pay for the annual rental as per SA Legislation, the tenant will be required to order & pay for gas bottles directly when required
    5: AC box unit upstairs excluded from the lease
    6: Upstairs master bedroom cupboard locked and excluded from the lease
    7: Slow combustion fireplace excluded from the lease
    8: Shedding is locked and excluded from the lease
    9: Security cameras will be removed prior to a tenant moving in
    10: The front gravelled section is excluded from the lease as the landlords use this for storage and access of caravan
    11: 2 x electric heaters to the downstairs bedrooms are excluded from the lease

    also looked at a huose today, oven door broken, dishwasher handle broken, carpets filthy, one bedroom has a leak in the roof and is buckling, the ensuite sink is rusted (that is structual)..the entire house everything is peach colored,and I mean everything...and they want $670pw.....sorry but I'm just not willing to pay that

  3. VS_ozgirl Says:

    Omg the terms do not make it sound like a rental at all, it sounds like you are renting at a boarding house! I thought when you rented you are supposed to have quiet enjoyment of a property? This sounds like everything is in the owner’s name, don’t use this, don’t touch that, ugh.
    Keep on looking mumof2, places like this aren’t right for you and your family.. I hope you can find a better place soon, good luck to you

  4. mumof2 Says:

    Exactly and the pickings here are slim and probably 8/20 have exclusions...its all about making money nothing else...the houses arent worth what people pay for them...we paid enough on this house in 3 years that she can do major renovations on it...its frustrating...but what choice do you have...we will find one that fits us...we still have 77 days till we have to be out of here

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