Well did the budget over the weekend...and we decided that we would cover the rent and our daughter will pay 1/3 of the gas/water/elec and we pay the rest...but we pay a lot of rent each month so we also did the figures if we moved back to the area we use to live in or at least closer as everyone we use is still in that area. So in july we are thinking of moving back there depending on what is available and if we can find something to suit us...it would save us alone over $5000 a year in rent which could go towards our home deposit rather than someone elses morg or lifestyle...the owner of this house likes to travel overseas a lot...so hopefully we can find something.
We have ordered the bed and paid for it on the CC but it should be paid off by march so not a big deal could have paid it off sooner but want to get our ice acct back up as it is really low right now.
Groceries have been fairly cheap, we have a few over 100 degree days coming so its mainly salads and meat so no real cooking etc.
Hubby has his urologist appt on 6th feb so we should know the results of his biopsy and what treatment he will be doing...heres hoping its not to bad.
updated budget
January 28th, 2020 at 11:53 pm
January 30th, 2020 at 12:24 am 1580343865
February 1st, 2020 at 07:39 pm 1580585948
Hope the hubster's results and treatment are not too bad.