Home > no endoscopy

no endoscopy

June 21st, 2021 at 05:34 am

No endoscopy today they will reschedule for july hopefully as i am still to sick to have it hopefully by then I will be okay.

Our US tax check finally cleared today so that $300 plus went into our house account so it is building up slowly again and we get paid this week so can add a little more to our savings. 

They have a big toy sale on right now where you can layaway till christmas (they do it every year) was going to do for a charity we support for foster kids but have decided to just put money away each month and buy as we see sales between now and then...think that works better for us right now.

Good thing about me is I don't like shopping at all so even though I am sick I don't go online and shop which means we don't spend much money...hubby does but it is his mad money so he can do what he wants for it.

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