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more tax drama & other updates

June 28th, 2021 at 11:22 am

So we have been waiting for our taxes to be done...and about 10 days ago it said that it was being processed so we checked over the weekend and now it's saying that they have no info so not sure what is going on...geez just want it over and done the time they get it done will be time to do it again...can't believe it's almost july.

It's pay week this week so it will be nice to pay the bills and start adding to our house saving account again.

Covid is starting to hit australia again..we still haven't been vaccinated as we don't like the one that is provided for us it has to many issues...but i might be able to get the pfizer one so will talk to the doc this week when I see her and see what she says..if she says it's ok then will book in to get it...and hope for the best....our state doesn't have any cases yet but we have border closures again...hopefully it will stay that way.

The weather here is cold wet and windy and I am really over it...have been sick for a month now and have not left the house except for a covid test (because i was suppose to have a procedure but was to sick) but it was negative...

I have a fair few doc appointments this month so medical will be a bit of a cost but we should have that covered..other than that no other expenses....YET!

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