Home > finally!!


August 20th, 2024 at 05:55 am

Well I had trouble getting on this page and the tech people on here did an awesome job of fixing the issue so thankyou very much, I really appreciate it!!

Can't believe we are midway through august already this year is flying by so fast, our first priority is looking for a new rental, the market is slim and over priced and 3 that we looked at had water damage so I won't even apply as we don't know if they will actually fix the damage. So we have applied for some, rejected some, waiting on some and have been told no on hopefully soon we will have a moving date and can get moved.

I have starting next month budgeted for a higer amount of rent so that shouldn't affect the budget when we move, I have also had to raise the grocery and gas (petrol) amounts as they just were not working well and groceries have skyrocketed, we spent $350 on groceries that had no meat and we got 4 bags, granted the milk we buy is $6.90 per 2 litres, but a block of cheese is $12, 12 eggs are $8 it all adds up...I mean what choice do we have although we do use a butcher for meat and we try to go to the markets for fruit/veggies when we can as it is cheaper and local,

I only have 3 debts left to pay off 2 should be done in a couple months and the last one is a student loan and will pay on it monthly but no set time yet. Also when we move will get the ice account back up, start saving for a car (next year) which will be joint for us/daughter, and start saving for a I have this years and 2025 budget already done and feeling confident with it....and getting back on track financially...pretty much starting from scratch again and I am okay with that

4 Responses to “finally!!”

  1. Turtle Lover Says:

    Glad you finally got to post .... I really don't want this site to go away! Then I see you get "spam" comments .... grrrrr
    well ... I am here!

  2. mumof2 Says:

    Thankyou yes not sure why they keep popping up I delete them when I can

  3. rob62521 Says:

    Sorry you had problems, but glad you are back on. Good deal on getting stuff paid down.

  4. Dido Says:

    I've noticed that, for the past six months or so, the only way I can log in is to start at the Forums page. The Login link there works but the Login link I used to use here no longer works.

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