Home > The move from Hell

The move from Hell

October 4th, 2024 at 08:06 am

Well it's been a week since we moved and it has to be the worst move that I have ever been involved with (and there have been a few)...first we had everything organised and it should have been a smooth move. First the movers were 5 hours late..suppose to be there at 8am...almost 9 so I call the company and they called the movers they had truck (8 tonne)  trouble so should be there by show at 10 so I call again, they say the truck needs to go back to base and they should be there by 12...12.45pm they finally show up with 2 smaller trucks and there are 2 this point I am annoyed as I have had to constantly call them they never called me. They were the slowest packers ever, and they broke my daughters cupboard within the 1st half hour...theyhad half truck packed they were not listening to me when I told them to pack the heavy stuff and they started with boxes...I told them to finish the truck and that they could deliver to the new house and they were done...they also refused to park on the driveway as it has a small slope and wanted to charge me $200 to walk to the truck on the driveway!! so they go to the new house and my niece unpacked more than one of the workers and let me say it took them 5 hoours to pack/unpack a truck (small). I called their boss and gave them what for and gave them the worst review ever. So know we have to try and get family to help us finish packing up the truck (we had to hire one) and moving, it took us an hour and half to pack/unpack the truck. We finished up sat...I then stayed and cleaned the house. 

Of course before we move in and we get electricity put on in the home only to find out that the company had turned it off at the street as I guess they were really behind on their bills but there was elec coming to the house, so they sent someone out to check it out...and what do you know the previous tenants had rewired things in the electrical box and badly to get free they cut it off and we had no power untill the rewired the electrical box completely and then it had to be inspected and tehn turned on...we finally got power on wednesday night around 9pm...but things around the house still need to be fixed etc. We also lost around $150 worth of food as we bought it on friday when we had power.

On top of all of that my daughter had her ivf procedure on the sat that we the last week has been hectic and costly with the price of trucks, movers, paying family, takeout food etc.

the last couple days we have had rain so not much we can do so just resting up and hoping things start improving!!

10 Responses to “The move from Hell”

  1. Tabs Says:

    I personally do not trust moving people, and whenever possible, I would just pay friends, family, and even co-workers to come help me move instead. I trust them, and I know they can use the money.

    Also, the previous tenants seemed a bit too clever for their own good.

  2. mumof2 Says:

    We did because what little family we have around us were working and one of them who was helping us ended up at the hospital. But we all have chronic illnesses and is really hard for us...I thought it would be easier...I was wrong

  3. terri77 Says:

    Aren’t you glad the move is over, though? Every time that I move, I think “never again”.

  4. LivingAlmostLarge Says:

    wow that's sounds crazy. I will admit the moves we had hired were easy. When we did it ourselves also easy. But I don't think you guys do this go to home depot and pick up workers to move for you? By the hour.

  5. mumof2 Says:

    terri77 yes we are glad we have moved...but have so much to unpack and it has been raining for last couple days so hard. but we only want to move once more and that is into our own home.

    LAL no we dont have home depot and the only people who would help you move is moving companies.Usually we would move ourselves..but just can't right now due to health

  6. Dido Says:

    So sorry it was a stressful move, and I hope everything settles down soon!

  7. patientsaver Says:

    I don't blame you for being upset. I don't trust movers, either, as I've heard of lots of scams associated with that industry. And geez...the electricity thing. I'm glad you got that straightened out.

    I'm curious. When they move it into your new house, will they move various pieces of furniture to the rooms you direct them to? I would hope so.

  8. mumof2 Says:

    Dido yes we are getting things put away and its becoming a home now

    patientsaver we dont usually use them and do it ourselves but with my CFs/fibro and my hubbys cancer and effects from treatment (weakness), copd, stroke and 23 hemaplegic migraines....its was just to much for us right now.

    What annoys me even more is we had to move because they wanted to renovate and now they have the house back up for rent without any renovations. So I am going to report them as it is against the rules for them to do that

  9. rob62521 Says:

    Yikes! Hope you can rest up and get everything organized and taken care of.

  10. mumof2 Says:

    rob actually have nice weather for a couple days so have taken stuff out of the shed so we can put up shelving and get it sorted better and put the rets of the stuff in is exhausting but worth it when it is done

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