Home > relinquishing itin number

relinquishing itin number

December 9th, 2024 at 01:47 am

This is kind of a financial question but not sure how or if this is possible and can't really find out any information online and dealing with the IRS is hard from over here.

So not sure if many of you know but since the pandemic our dealings with the irs has been so exhausting...we can't do it online and after this last year I am just over it. I have an itin, purely for tax purposes, I have never lived/worked or bought any property etc in the US ever. Hubby has retirement income and SS so he has to do them. What I am wondering is can I relinquish my itin number and hubby just does that taxes as a single person? I really don't want to be dealing with them again and think it would be much easier for if anyone knows the answer or can get me a link etc, that would be awesome...if not thankyou for your time.

Also I know it would cost more for him to do it as a single person but we can budget for that...its around $3-4000 in taxes already that we pay each year so that we don't owe...which we have owed in the last couple years as it keeps going up.

8 Responses to “relinquishing itin number”

  1. Lots of ideas Says:

    With a fixed US income, you should be able to easily calculate what you will owe in taxes and have only that amount withheld.

    File your taxes with a certified receipt and wait for the IRS to find you if they have an issue.

    For $3000-4000 per year, you can pay a tax preparer in the US and have $2500-3500 left over.

    Unless someone has a very variable income or lots of odd tax deductions, everyone can easily estimate the amount they will owe and calculate so that they pay close to what they owe via withholding.
    Don’t loan the government money interest free, and don’t owe enough to incur a penalty and you have no problem.
    It’s a math exercise.

  2. mumof2 Says:

    lots of ideas, we have tried several times to withhold extra money for taxes but each year it is more, we get $400 a month taken out for taxes.

    We have to send through the mail and we get tracking and signature now so we know they get it as we can't do it online.

    We live in australia and we never get a refund and very few people over here know how to deo US taxes and there are none in our state and it is expensive so not paying $400 plus dollars as well as the irs...we shouldn't owe this year fingers crossed.

    What people don't realise is that things like SS etc we can't access online as we don't have a US address so everything is done through mail and quite often we don't get irs/SS mail at we don't know anything is wrong until months later when they say we haven't responded so we are penalised etc...its not as easy as sitting in your country with access to everything!

  3. DW Says:

    You stated you have not lived in the US, in that case if your husband passes away before you, you will lose SS.

    The non-US spouse must have lived in the United States for at least five years as a married couple. The five years do not need to be consecutive. (Verify on the SSA website.)

    You will need to check with the other retirement income source to see if the rules are the same.

    As for the ITIN, if you are able to keep the retirement income, because it is US funds, you will still need that ITIN to file taxes.
    You are in a no win situation. For your peace of mind, you will just have to budget for a professional tax preparer. To continue to do your taxes year after year with the same frustrations , is not wise.

  4. jp Says:

    my 2 cents: hire a US tax preparer. with all the headaches, stress, and penalties it's worth it to pay someone IN the US to prepare this and be the point of contact for both you and the IRS. And, as a separate solution, there are companies out there for expats specifically that can set up a US address and forward all information. spend a few dollars to solve this saga Wink it'll save you in the long run

  5. mumof2 Says:

    DW I don't care if I get anything from over there...would rather not so I don't have the hassles of the IRS

    JP how do I find them and know that I can trust them living over here, would still have to get the information for them etc.

  6. DW Says:

    Try H & R Block Australia or H & R Block Expat Services

  7. LivingAlmostLarge Says:

    You can do the RMD and have the withholding from there so there isn't a penalty. You cannot legally file as single when you are married and live together. You can file as married filing separtely but you need to keep the itin to file to report you as the separate spouse.

  8. Dido Says:

    A reputable US tax preparer with an expertise in international taxes is Susan Brown Otto at

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