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April 3rd, 2021 at 05:00 am
looking through our april expenses and one that that we won't have to pay is the water/elec & gas bills as we currently don't have a home to pay these, I will still put the payments into our POM account as we will have connection fees when we rent again, but for now it is savings, although our oldest daughter is paying rent at our youngest daughters house it isn't much more than what she was paying before and we are only paying storage fees so saving some money on rent, I do however put the rent money that we were paying into the account like we were paying rent and have since we moved (yes I have seperate accounts for things) so we are actually accumulating so extra money there...when we get a house and get settled will keep some there and then move the rest into savings...
I find it really hard that even though most of our budget is still manageable (except the groceries) I still get frustrated not being able to menu plan, grocery shop like we do....it throws everything off kilter...I also am a bit ocd when it comes to things and that is hard being in other peoples houses...but over all unless we have moving expenses this month (hope we do) we should start being able to save a bit more.
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April 2nd, 2021 at 04:43 am
Weather for the next couple of days is warmer than usual which is nice...love the warmer weather much better than cold weather...hoping that doesn't hit to early at least until we move.
Our budget just doesn't to be working at the moment living in 2 places, but trying its mainly groceries that is hurting us which means we take it from savings..but we will get back on track eventually..it's hubbys birthday in a couple of weeks so not sure what we are doing for that yet....right now everyone is getting on everyone elses nerves....so it has been hard...hopefully we get a house soon...tuesday we have 5 maybe 6 to look at so will be a busy day
have a great easter
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March 30th, 2021 at 11:59 am
Well a quarter of this year is almost over and it feels like it is just flying by!!
Easter is this weekend and I'm really not feeling it this year so not really going to do anything...and easter sunday daylight savings ends which means dark by 5.30pm and cold...I hate winter and I love daylight savings so not looking forward to the next few months...hopefully we will get a house before it starts getting to cold and wet!
I'm guessing in may when we see the doc we will be getting our flu shots...not sure when covid will be available to us ..my hubby will be before us but me and my daughter I'm guessing around sept...but last year we hardly had any flu cases thanks to all the covid protocols...so I'm hoping it will be similar here.
One of our states has a few covid cases in the community again..we havent had any in our state for months (nov when had 17 cases) and before that only a few in april 2020...so we have been real lucky but we still have all the protocols like hand sanitiser and the q code for all the stores...so that helps
It's payday this weekend but won't really look at updating till next week, we are getting back on track tomorrow with our grocery budget living in 2 seperate houses has been hard buying food for 2 houses etc...so we had a talk and will get back on track tomorrow and hopefully it works...its hard when you live with people that cook completely different from you and you have none of your kitchen stuff..but hopefully it will work better and we can save a bit more money
Hope everyone has a great easter
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March 27th, 2021 at 05:58 am
Looked at more houses today...one was okay the other one not so much...this has got to be one of the most frustrating things we have ever had to do....who would think renting a house when you have decent income would be so hard...not sure what is going on but it is frustrating...fingers crossed we get a house soon!!
we have 3 storage units and 2 alone cost us $722pm so wince the movers packed one of them we are thinking of restacking it and trying to get it down to 1 unit to save some money...also to get a a few things out of the back of it as it is getting cold here and we need some of our winter clothes and my daughter needs to make her jewellery and get it sent out...but that will be a job for next week if we should attempt to do it as it is warmer this week has been cold and wet
Easter next weekend and daylight savings ends..I love daylight savings hate that it is ending...honestly can't be bothered with easter this year so probably won't do anything...enjoy your weekend
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March 24th, 2021 at 11:26 pm
I have been MIA for a few weeks, we are still couch surfing which really sucks but still haven't got a house...weird we are classed as homeless but can afford to pay rent (usually pay more than $2000pm) but still no house we are looking at about 5 plus a week...so fingers crossed we get something soon...our oldest has bipolar and isn't coping well not living with us and house sharing with people who don't really regard anyone but themselves...so we go spend the day with her and her sister is there at night (its her house)...I was staying there but it was hard to as I was continually get stressed and sick and would have ended up in hospital..so staying with my hubby at his sons house...but my body is breaking down as couches aren't comfortable.
One reason we have found difficult to get a house is one of our housing agent references won't answer calls or emails...there is nothing we can do about it and since there is such a high demand for housing they just take us off that listing...so I have decided to take his name off and just say we were travelling for those 2 years...easier on us...and yes I hate lying..but I hate couch surfing more and my family needs to be living under the same roof.
Budget wise we really aren't following one, we pay rent at one house, and groceries at 2 houses...so I just don't bother as long as the bills are paid I am fine with that..but we are also paying storage fees instead of rent so saving a little...will get back on track when we get a house and can figure things out again...
The weather here is cooling down in a hurry and all our winter gear is in storage...right at the back so might have to go buy some new clothes if it gets to cold to quick as we can't get to the boxes the way it is stacked...hope you are all staying safe and doing great!!
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March 19th, 2021 at 10:00 am
So we have been told that even though we live overseas we should have been getting the stimulus payments, we have a Us bank account but even though we put the info on our tax returns they always seem to send it via mail...now we have been waiting for last years and this years taxes to be done and neither has been done yet...we have to send via mail as we can't do it online (its US rules), so if we are eligible will they back pay them? We never expected them and probably won't get them but just getting our taxes done would be nice....we have called several times and just get the run around that they are understaffed, still working on this years taxes or doing stimulus payments...but damn its been over a year now for one of them and I know they have them as I send them registered so they had to sign for them so i knew that they received them....so frustrated with this process so many people out of work...employ some more people and get the back logs done so we can get our taxes done and finished....the IRS is so poorly run it is pathetic!!
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March 11th, 2021 at 11:22 am
So we still have no house and I am now couch surfing between 2 houses which sucks and me and my hubby are living in seperate houses...it sucks but we have done everything we can and one of our landlords just won't answer and so we don't get a house..so frustrating but we will keep trying to we get a house.
Other than that not much else is going on in our lives...just appointments, house opens and applying for houses that about it!!
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March 2nd, 2021 at 10:20 am
It's autum here and it's getting cooler....I hate the cold...like really hate...I am a summer baby and I don't really think we get much of a summer any more!!
We are moving thursday..don't know where yet we will get everything finalised tomorrow so it will be either in storage and us couch surfing or into a house we are waiting to hear...either way we will be out of here..the owner won't extend the lease at all as she wants to sell...so tomorrow I will finish up all the packing that needs to be done, I have organised movers and a truck, I have organised a place for my daughter and the pets to live, and my hubby wll probably stay with his son till we get a house...I need to stay with the dog as he has severe anxiety but hubbys son has animals that won't get along with our dog..so just don't need the stress of the animals not getting along...either way we will figure things out eventually...
Also had a busy day with my mom who had a fall last night ( she is 82), my nephew (he lives with her) sat up all night to watch her to make sure she was ok....then went to school so we took her to the doc to check her out she had a scan today on her head and she has to have xrays and ultrasound in next couple days...she is doing ok just a bit sore...so glad about that but had to cancel my appointments for today...I can remake them but wanted to make sure my mom was ok first...not what we needed this week..its busy enough...we also have appt tomorrow and thursday...so may not be on here much...its pay week this week..have paid all the bills for the month but not sure how much the move will cost....so once we are done moving I can do an update and then get back to saving
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February 25th, 2021 at 03:18 am
We have finally been able to talk to the IRS, they still haven't logged in that they have last years taxes let alone this year..although I sent registered mail and they had to sign for it which they did end of jan but neither are logged in as being received yet...my question is if they didn't get last years as covid hit around the same time how do we know if they have it or someone else has it and stolen our identity? I wouldn't know where to look over there for that info...I'm hoping that hasn't happened but seriously they have been no help and we have no clue where last years are...its very frustrating....and no we can't do them online as we live overseas....so any advice would be great!!
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February 23rd, 2021 at 04:23 am
Still no freakin house and we are over it...I just want to put everything into storage and just jump in the car and go...can't do that but want to!! so we continue to look 4 houses we have to look this week...we only have 1 week till we have to be out of here
The stress of this has made my illnesses kick into overdrive so I have been having episodes, feel so sick all the time..no energy so our diet hasn't been great as we just don't have energy...so that doesn't help and we have just been using what we have had in the house except the fresh stuff...but then it is coming to an end as our freezer is nearly empty...so will need to go back to weekly menus in a week or so....and my daughter has hurt her knee so we haven't been able to walk...and with my illness I can't walk alone....so haven't been able to destress and get out of the house...so hopefully we can move soon...get a routine and start getting back on track...and I can say I am getting quite bitchy with all the stress and not feeling good...try not to be...but can't just go and destress either...so just have to try and deal with it
Financially we have been eating more takeaway then we ever have probably 4 times a week lately....which is something we never do and it is expensive...so we are trying to cut back on that as well!!
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February 18th, 2021 at 01:22 am
Well still no house but we found out why we weren't getting them...which is frustrating basically we are being punished for an agents inaction, we have done all we can with housing authorities over here and not much they can do, but we have written a letter to each house that we apply for explaining the situation and hope that helps...I also got an email in today from the State Premier and hosing minister today...didn't expect it to go that far but hopefully they will check into that person or maybe look at the rules in regards to agents and what they can/can't do.
Fingers crossed that we get one soon, on a positive note it's payday so we will take out grocery & gas money and the rest will go into savings...
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February 17th, 2021 at 07:08 am
So we still don't have a house but looked at 3 yesterday and 1 today...we are offering more money than they are worth...but need a roof over our heads.....we looked at one today it was big enough but it had so many issues...its not clean, can't use the shed and they have dropped the price to $500pw and it so isn't worth it...we decided no..just don't feel good walking around the house...so will let that one go...the other 3 we are still waiting to hear back on.
On top of that in this house where the landlord doesn't like us we had to call as the front hose tap broke and was flooding so had to turn water off over night and they finally got here 23 hrs later and fixed it...and of course it was over 100 today and we needed water to turn the aircon on...but all fixed now but don't think she will extend us again if we ask.
Ok just got a phone call make that 2 houses we are waiting to hear back on just got rejected for another one but were in the top 4...oh well back to looking 1 more week and we will start to make other plans!!
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February 16th, 2021 at 06:59 am
Had 3 more houses to look at today and 1 tomorrow...so far only rejections...it is getting hard...lucky we were able to get a 2 week extension or we would have to be out of here in 4 days...so tonight we are going to have a discussion on what we will do should we not get a house in the next couple weeks...cause we need a plan!!
Is it hard in the US to get a house...so many people coming back to australia and not enough housing..I have spoken to the housing minister of australia and I stated that if they were going to make it where they were going to bring so many people back then they need to make sure there is enough housing available for everyone...today it was on the news that it was 1 thing they didn't consider when bringing people back home...I am hoping they will figure something out...and soon!!
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February 16th, 2021 at 02:17 am
I use to have a good stockpile of groceries etc in the freezer and pantry...but we have used a lot of it up so we didn't have to move it...I miss my stockpile...but have decided not to restock other than a few things that we use all the time until we buy in a year or so..then I will start it again....I am finding this hard but know it will happen again...I guess that when you have a chronic illness you ike to have things on hand for when you are not well and can't leave the house etc...or when you have a lot of medical bills you don't have to choose medicine or food etc...but I know we are in much better shape then we are but it also helped greatly through the pandemic so we will see how we go...see if I can do it....do others feel this way??
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February 13th, 2021 at 04:16 am
My hubby and I don't celebrate valentines day...I don't believe in it...we do things for each other all the time all year...so don't need a special day along with everyone else...but my hubby has always bought our girls a single rose for valentines day each year since they were born...they are now 27 & 29 and still look forward to them...they remind me each year to make sure he gets them..I think they would be greatly disappointed if he did...but it is something special he has always done with them and I love it...so does anyone else celebrate valentines day with each other or their kids...have a great weekend
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February 13th, 2021 at 04:09 am
We I am over packing, looking for houses etc...so having a day off and just chilling. We have been doing ok with trying to use up the freezer stuff but we have had takeaway more than usual...we just don't have the energy at the end of the day...but we will get there...my daughter and I had our usual friday night movie night at home..that was nice...so going to relax today and get back to it tomorrow...no house yet...but our landlord said we could have another 2 weeks to move with conditions. The conditions we can live with...but it gives us a little more time...have a good feeling about this week...only real expenses this week are boxes and tape and a few groceries...trying to keep them to a minimum till we move.
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February 9th, 2021 at 11:27 am
Well as many of you know we have been looking for a rental for the last 7 weeks...looking at the advertisements, some of the exemptions for tenants is just ridiculous, some of these are
can't use the sheds on the property
can't use the jets in the bath
can't use the alarm on the house
can't use the speakers in the house (wired in)
can only use half of the shed
can't use the deck outside
these are just a few we have seen this week...they are not for tenant use...so do you guys have that in the US or do they rent out the entire property?? I have never seen this before now (since the pandemic started) so don't know why it is like that now...just curious if this happens in aust or other countries as well
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February 9th, 2021 at 11:21 am
Well we will be moving in the next 10 days not sure where yet but if we don't have a house then it will be to put our stuff into storage...we will pack up the house but we will use movers to pack/unoack our stuff, we have friends that will help us do the outdoor stuff, and we will transport our tvs/computers etc in the cars with us...I am hoping to do the cleaning and yard work myself have been trying to start it now to get a head start on it so less to do later...next couple of days will mow the yards and start raking again, we had major rain and winds which setroyed all our hard work so have to do it again...so hopefully won't cost more than $2000 for our moving expenses...wish we were healthier to do it ourselves but we aren't so have to have others to do it....we will have stuff to pack so and some to take to storage as well (yes we already have 1 storage container)...but by the weekend hopefully will have a lot done, we still have a few houses to look at as well as well as appointments...so it has been hard to deal with mentally with my illness but trying to keep on top of it so I don't end up in hospital...going to stay positive and fingers crossed things work out!!
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February 9th, 2021 at 01:47 am
So it's only tuesday and we have already had 4 house rejections this week and have a couple more to look at this week...we are down to 10 days before we have to have to be out of here, so if we don't get a house it looks like we would have to put things into storage and see if we can get a furnished rental until we get a house...it is so frustrating...have written to our local councilwoman and asked them what is the govt going to do about the housing situation in SA...if they are going to allow all these people back into our country they have to make sure there is housing for them....buying a house is the same...they tack on $20,000 plus fees on top of the deposit which makes it hard for people to save to buy a house...it is so hard over here...sounds weird but I wish our rules were a bit more lax like the US has...would make life much easier for us!!
The weather here we had rain and wind for 4 days so basically all the yard work I had done now has to be redone and I don't really have the time or energy for that...packing and stresing about a house is doing a number on me and my illness....so hopefully it will settle soon and we can get settled and start my health journey again...but so far so good no hospital visits..fingers crossed it stays that way
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February 4th, 2021 at 01:11 am
Today was payday for us...here I was thinking that we were behind in savings...which we were...but I have paid all bills for the month, except groceries/gas...and have been able to add $650 to savings this pay...so we now more in savings than I thought we would have for the month...and still 1 more payday later in the month..so feeling good about that. I do know we will use some of it to move but not all of it, we haven't touched our ice acct..that is gaining a little as our roundup goes into that account..we have no debt...and our rent money for this month will just sit in the bank (I put it away at beginning of month) until we get another house....so it is all looking pretty good for now...hope it stays this way for the rest of the year.
Did have another unexpected medical bill for $60 that I will have to pay...but it is important so will have it done...these new docs are expensive so I hope I get some answers....
On a positive note my daughter should find out later this month when she can get pregnant...she is super excited!!
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February 3rd, 2021 at 12:52 am
Okay so anyone have winning lotto numbers I need one so I can have a deposit for a house...i think it's the only way we will be able to live anywhere!!
So more rejections today on the rental front...we have been looking even 30 mins out of the city...can go any further due to to many doctors appts that we go to each week between the 3 of us....not sure what is happening or why we keep getting rejected as we are great tenants, never been late with a payment...take great care of the home...so we are just baffled!!
Well if nothing else we will put everything into storage and find somewhere to live with our pets till we get a house....so frustrated right now
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February 2nd, 2021 at 12:14 am
The rental market is bad right now...so bad...we have applied for over 30 houses and have either been rejected or not heard back from them...the reasons being is that we have had so many people return from overseas (and continue to weekly) since covid got bad, people who have morg and have lost their jobs, will go and rent a house and then rent out their houses so others can pay their morg and they get help with rent (this annoys me to no end) people who got hurt or frustrated by the pandemic are selling up their houses...but no-one can afford to buy...they have raised rents...most houses we have looked at are at least $500pw...and yet we still can't get anything....so frustrating...but going to remain positive...we will find something then we will save and buy our own place in 12-24 months...then no more moving ever!!!
Other than that things are going along smoothly...still have lots to pack...running out of places for boxes...am going to start cleaning what I can (as in the house walls etc) and try to keep myself busy....my daughter has hardly packed...she has a hard time with it...gets to stressed...so will help her get it done and then she can just do all her papers and hopefully by then we will have a house and can move.
Only have groceries and gas to pay for this month, so the first lot will be taken out on thursday, we haven't been doing a lot of shopping only bread/milk and fresh fruit/vegies as we have been trying to keep things to a minimum and use up the freezer stuff...so have been saving money there but still keep it so when we do move we can menu plan and also do a bit of a shop to get a feww things back in stock that we use.
The weather here has been weird..had a few days that were over 100 and someone started a bushfire...but the next day it rained so that helped contain it and stop it spreading so fast as everything was wet...but it has been nice wether ever since...like spring weather...which is weird this time of year...not that I am complaining...but just wondering if it means we will have a cold winter....whats nice is that we have hardly used our ac this summer...so saving on our elec bill
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January 31st, 2021 at 11:54 pm
Pay week this week and we are behind in our savings from where I wanted to be...but that is okay...all bills for the month will be paid today...except groceries and gas...our rent is paid up till the 20th when we are suppose to move out by...not sure what will happen as we have nowhere to go yet....so the money we would normally pay in rent this month will just sit in the bank for the next house....the savings we do have will go towards the move and then I can get serious again about saving/menu planning...im hoping that we can save enough for a deposit in the next 12 months...going to be hard but you have so many fees involved thats the hard bit...will need a minimum $40,000 we are thinking....wish us luck...probably won't make it to that amount but its a goal to work towards.
well back to looking at houses
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January 31st, 2021 at 03:53 am
Watching the news today and it said the EU was basically not allowing the covid vaccine to be delivered to australia...considering we have already paid over 123 million dollars and have received nothing it gets a bit frustrating...so I say until they do the other countries can take care of our patriots until we can get it and it is safe for people to return....it is frustrating we do everything right...but if people pay for something then they had better deliver...or return the money and we will go elsewhere....we have no community cases in australia which is great...but we have fought hard to be this way unlike the US where people just travel...walk around like it is nothing...continuing to party etc....very frustrating...I know many try to do the right thing...but if you shut your borders to the world for a month...and put the country on lockdown for a month only going out for essential services then things would change over there....dramatically...give people $2000 so they can buy groceries for a month and you would see numbers drop....thats what we did and it worked...people just have to stop whinging and get with what works and not worry about their "rights" being taken away...such BS...anyways enough of a rant....I just think we should get what we paid for!!
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January 31st, 2021 at 01:32 am
Well hubby got an unexpected small pay raise in his pay this month and when we looked it up his federal taxes has dropped by around $80pm....we didn't expect this and just wondering if this happened to everyone or should we raise it higher so we don't owe taxes etc....not sure how the system orks over there.
We are still looking for a house...waiting to hear back from some...working on the yard....moving stuff into storage (mainly from the shed)...got a mini skip in to get rid of the rubbish...so we are getting there...hubby slowly packing up his stuff and I have started helping my daughter pack up her stuff...the stress is getting to her and with bipolar we need to watch her close so will her her do a lot of it and it won't be so bad...our lease runs out in 19 days😨 so hopefully we get a place soon....we were told by the real estate agent that they have usually between 50-120 people applying for each house as so many people are coming back from other countries to australia because of covid that there just isn't enough housing...so it is tough!!
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January 26th, 2021 at 08:46 am
Over the last month or so I have started to reassess pretty much my whole life in general...don't get me wrong I have a good life but some areas need an overhaul...and most will take awhile to do and the 2 main areas are health and finances. My health we have been working on for a few years and so much hasn't worked but maybe this new doctor will be able to help and I can get healthy enoough to work...even part time...thats my plan for the next couple years.
Financially I want to work on set goals over the years these will include things like
saving a deposit for a house
buying a house and paying it off
have 6 months of bills in my ice acct (more maybe)
save for retirement
Obviously I won't be working on these till we move and I can sit down and work out how long it is going to take and how much etc....but one I really want to get back on track in this area!!
The good thing is we have no debt...so any ideas or hints and tips would be great on the best way to do this...
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January 23rd, 2021 at 10:19 pm
Well we have been looking at huses and haven't got one yet, there are at least 50 plus people at all the opens and not enough housing to go around, many are from aussies who were living abroad and now the pandemic has hit has moved back to australia...so we have 2 weeks to move and nowhere to move to....fingers crossed we find something!
Haven't really been spending much money lately which is good but still haven't saved as much as I would like this month but have been buying a lot of packing boxes...half the house is packed, the shed is almost done and most of it has been put into storage till we buy a house....so just need to tidy up what is left in the shed, move all hubbys wood and a few things that need to go into storage and then we can start moving boxes into the garage and start cleaning so when we move a majority of it will be done.
It's my birthday today but not doing anything but packing and sorting...never really do much...and its 106 here today so to hot to really want to do anything...thankfully the next week is a bit cooler.
I know that when we do get a house the move will be organised and cleaning wil get done...not sure if we will do the yard or pay someone to do it..depends on the weather and my energy levels....I have been doing quite a bit of it...but there are so many leaves all the time since we live under massive gum trees!!
Wish us luck and fingers crossed we get a house soon to move into
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January 12th, 2021 at 05:07 am
Have a few medical appointments this week and next...going to be expensive for us but we will cover it...also getting new tyres and wheel alignment so that will be another $780 on top of it...so going to be a busy expensive week...hopefully the rest of the month will be less expensive
Still looking for a rental..they are hard to get hre right now
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January 11th, 2021 at 12:49 am
I know people don't like what I have to say and that is okay!!
Australia (SA where I live) has hardly been in quarantine since april 2020...and I know so many family and friends in the US that sre trying to quarantine and complaining about it...I seriously try to be compassionate about what they are complaining about...but I just can't as someone with a chronic illness that is my life 24/7...many don't worry about what people with chronic illnesses go through and as I have told them eventually they will be living a "normal" life soon...we don't get that...so sorry if I don't show the same compassion as most but I also don't get compassion...I don't want people to feel sorry for us or anything just realise that our lives haven't changed much as it is our regular life and I'm sorry that yours is...end of rant!!
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January 7th, 2021 at 02:29 am
Payday today and I am taking out half of our grocery money, we haven't been using it all since we are trying to use up most of our stock so we can add a bit more to savings...its going to cost a bit to move..so hoping to have some savings afer that...
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