Home > update on IRS

update on IRS

May 27th, 2022 at 09:05 am

Not sure if anyone remembers or even cares but I have been having issues with the irs and our 2020 taxes (no they haven't done this years yet even though I sent them in Jan) but after being on hold for 1hr 25 mins I finally got to talk to someone...I was wanting to know if they had sent our transcripts as they said they did in feb but we still haven't got them....I gave him a small run down on what had been happening and he looks and says that we have our tax refund sitting there since feb but it hasn't been released so he would release it because he doesn't know why it hasn't he said he released it and it should take 2-4 weeks to reach our account....I will believe it when I see it...I am hoping this is the end of this it has been a long one...and over 2 hours on a cell phone can only imagine what our phone bill will be like😨

On other news the weather here has been rainy for days....although it is nice to get some rain it has been doesn't rain next wed...but everyday till then and after that it will be raining...and cold...I hate the cold it makes my body cfs (ME) and fibro have both been bad with the cold..not sure why it acts up more but it we haven't been going out unless we need to....and monday I need to go with my nephew so he can look at a new school...he hates his school and isn't learning so he won't go...good thing is today I found out that the person showing him around this new school is an old vice principal of the school he is kind of attending and he knows him we are hoping it goes well and if so he will start in july (mid year for us).

other than that we are going to spend the weekend just chilling and staying warm

4 Responses to “update on IRS”

  1. Amber Says:

    I can't believe you're going through this, the IRS needs to do better. My accountant still hasn't completed my taxes. 🥴

    Also, I hope you all get a few good days of weather

  2. mumof2 Says:

    Thankyou Amber yes they do need to do better....I know they have been under a lot of pressure with covid and all but they have to do better than they are....hope your accountant gets yours done soon

    no chance for at least 2 weeks for good weather...we are going into winter

  3. LuckyRobin Says:

    I've been following the IRS saga since it began. I will keep my fingers crossed that you actually get that stupid refund.

  4. mumof2 Says:

    Luckyrobin...thankyou we are hoping it is finally done as well will see if we get the sure has been an ordeal

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