It is christmas eve here and I am taking a break from all the meal prep/sa;ads etc that we are making today ready for tomorrow...yes most sa it is weird but we are in summer here so a cold lunch is always better for us and so much's going to be a small christmas with about 8 people but that is gifts are wrapped and under the tree (including the animals), we have given gifts out to our vat/chemist/doctors and local hospital ER (we do this every year)...and we are ready eat to much and be merry and have fun catching up with everyone...and hopefully have some fun with our lucky dip game.
Someone in our street threw on the kerbside an old outdoor swing is still very sturdy and it has no my daughter and I bought it home..will paint it and add a cushion and it will be good to go...will leave on our front porch and just look at the ocean...can't wait...and not much cost to fix it up.
I am really looking forward to the new year and all that it brings...especially our budget...feeling positive
So I want to wish you all a merry christmas and a prosperous new years ...stay safe and enjoy yourself whatever your plans may look like
December 24th, 2022 at 02:22 pm 1671891739
December 26th, 2022 at 04:45 am 1672029908