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March 25th, 2020 at 12:21 am
Hubby has day surgery today...we will drop him off at the door and pick him up from the same door when he is done...the hospital is keeping all non medical patients from the hospital which we understand...although I hate that my hubby has to be there alone we get it...they will call when he is done and we go pick him up call when we get there and they will bring him down...its to protect the doc/nurses & patients...they have screenings etc to go through so feel confident he should be fine....he has pretty much confined to the house the last few is almost flu season here so will have that on top of the carona virus...I think it is going to be a hard winter for us...especially with cancer treatment as well...have to be real vigilant...
Not much else going on just chilling at home and hoping to get a few more groceries that we need/want
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March 24th, 2020 at 11:37 am
I have been watching the news and reading online and they are saying that this virus could be around till the end of the year!!
What do others think? I think if people do what they are suppose to then it shouldn't last that long...but everything I hear and read contradicts itself...and that is to be expected as it is a new into the community and no-one has an immunity to it...but I hope that it doesn' saying that an asian lady over here that has tested positive for the virus was in the store spitting on fruit...she was arrested...she should have been in seclusion...but she didn' angry with idiots like this...hope she is fined..they are talking fines of $20,000 if you don't go into hopefully she will get fined that
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March 23rd, 2020 at 11:39 pm
So many people have lost jobs over here due to this virus...the govt is doing what it can to make sure people have money coming in to feed themselves etc...but their website and phone lines keep crashing so its going to be a long week...everyone keeps going to the offices which they were told not to do due to social distancing but I guess when you need to feed your family you do what you can...hope things improve
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March 23rd, 2020 at 12:11 pm
I'm glad that our govt has stepped up and is trying to help out individuals, sole traders and small businesses..they are giving people on welfare extra money, no time limits for those that have lost jobs or that are casuals, they get payments straight businesses money to keep people employed...I know it probably won't do exactly what they want but if we all work together then we could save some of the small businesses...we do our bit anyway by buying from local butchers we are hoping that everyone does their bit and keep supporting the smaller businesses.
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March 22nd, 2020 at 02:55 am
I have been feeling under the weather...don't worry its not the carona virus its my sinuses...the weather is getting colder which plays my sinuses up bad...but then my dizziness kicks in and since I have had to do so much more since my hubby can't leave the its taking its toll on trying to chill and take and take it easy when i can...don't want my dizziness back it limits me so much and i don't really have time to go back to my neurophysio
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March 21st, 2020 at 12:28 am
Nothing exciting happening here...picked up a couple things from the store yesterday for us and my mom who couldn't get it in her glad she has some of what she needed...we are pretty stocked here...we eat a lot of fresh vegies/fruit and the stores ahve a good supply of those right now so we are doing ok.
I have been pushing myself to get everything done since my hubby can't leave the house as he is at high risk and I have been stuck in bed as I pushed to hard and my body pushed back...I knew it would but I have to do what I have to spending a coule days trying to recover enough to go with my hubby to his day surgery on wed...then the following week he start his radiotherapy hate that he has to go to the hospital everyday with this virus around...but has no choice!!
Other than that just staying at home chilling and trying to stay healthy....hope everyone is doing the same.
On the upside we realised that with the US$ dropping when we bring over hubbys US money we will get extra as the $is lower which we can boost up our ice acct quicker!
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March 17th, 2020 at 03:00 am
WOOHOO I paid off the CC today which means we are now debt free starting next pay we are starting to get the ice acct updated again...
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March 16th, 2020 at 08:57 am
Well hubby has seen the doc and he know has his day surgery organised, a ct scan and then he will start treatment...he just wants it started and then over glad our hospital is still doing surgeries etc..he is going a bit stir crazy in the house as he is a pretty social person but he is coping.
My daughter and I got our flu shots today and did some extra shopping so we don't have to go out to much just enough to keep us in fresh food and doc appts.
Shopping here was okay except tp/tissues & sanitizer..lucky we buy 2 24 packs of toilet paper each month so we have plenty...also have 6 boxes of tissues as we keep a few in the cupboard...and we couldn't get anymore I ordered 1 online which was 5 that should give us enough...people have been going a bit nuts the last few days so they have decided that the major stores at least will have a limited on how many of the products you can have and each day between 7-8am only the elderly and people on disability can shop then everyone can from 8am onwards it is also because they are more vulnerable so will hopefully be less risk and they can get what they need before everyone else takes what they need...I like this idea...
Also our govt is giving a one off bonus to help stimulate the the elderly, disability those on lower incomes etc will get a $750 payment which is not taxable...people on aged or disability etc where both have a pension will both get a payment so $ that will be nice for a lot of people.
So far the stores I have been in have not had empty shelves except for the usual tp/sanitizer and plenty of food
we have about 20 cases in our state (which has 1.3 million people) and 18 of them were diagnosed after coming back from overseas...and another one from visiting someone in another state who had not to bad and everyone we see are taking the precautions, stores have people walking around steralizing things as people use them feeling okay about it, the govt also has put money into a service so the elderly (over 70) dont have to attend their appointments they can do it by telephone and they will do scripts etc for them..
Hope everyone else is doing okay and staying safe...for all those that work in the medical fields and public service I hope people remain polite and safe in this time!!
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March 13th, 2020 at 11:41 pm
Hubby had his appointment yeaterday he ned to have some gold ball things fitted through day surgery (hopefully they won't wait to long) and then he can start his radiotherapy...he should have around 40 treatments...they can't believe it has taken so long to get to this point and are hoping we don't have to wait to much longer to get this procedure done but hospitals are stressed to the max right now so who knows...on the upside we only had to pay $750 for the whole treatment but we will still have scans etc afterwards...we just want to get started and be over and done with it all.
food wise our stores are good here but the toilet paper and tissues and hand sanitizer are scarce..they can't keep enough on the shelves..but for the last week you are only allowed 1 bag toilet rolls and 2 boxes tissues when you go stop people hoarding it...we will see I'm sure people will go out to the car drop it off get some more and go through a different checkout...I just don't get it with the TP..australia makes its own and the carona virus don't give you diarreah so I just don't get it...does anyone else know??
Apparently our govt is going to hand out $750 to low income earners/pensioners/elderly & disabled so we can spend and boost the economy...we would fall into that category but I told my hubby that we will bank that to cover what we will pay the we won't be boosting the economy...with it...but we will see if it's not like we need anything or want anything anyways!!
Spending this week was on some baby clothes for a friend in the US around $40...postage will be higher but thats what we can buy since you have opposite seasons to us and it is becoming colder here and summer there...well time to update my sidebar have a great weekend
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March 10th, 2020 at 01:09 am
We are trying to do everything we can from abroad to get our taxes done..we have trying to update my itin for 3 years..we finally after sending them information (6 times now) everything they have asked for...signed by people they want to sign it and sent it off in dec/jan...well we called today to find out what the progress of it was so we can do taxes and they have nothing in their records..they say it is a busy time of year for them...I get this but now they are saying that we can't do our taxes without the itin number, which may not be done until now we have to get an extension put in and hope it gets there before 15 april when the cut off frustrating being overseas and trying to deal with this..we have time differences, we can't just drop in and do what we need to do and everyone we talk to gives us a different answer...this year has been real frustrating to deal with this..on top of everything else...all departments are frustrating even SS we can't do anything over the fone or online as we don't have a US address so everything is taking extra long...sorry for the rant but it is affecting our budget cause we don't know if we owe, will get a refund or hit with late fees etc..and it is hard to get the information that we require
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March 8th, 2020 at 05:09 am
I haven't been able to work for a few years now due to illness and I am so sick of not being able to work..I hate that there are no jobs that I can do from home...I just wish there was something I could do to feel more productive!!
But I have to look on the bright side we have enough to pay our bills and keep a roof over our heads and feed ourselves so that is much better than some have it!!
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March 6th, 2020 at 03:34 am
This carona virus has been causing havoac over here for hubby has cancer and it is the beginning of the flu season for us so trying to get him masks and hand sanitizer has been impossible...we had to order them online but it means he can't really go out until they come in...these idiots that are out stockpiling things who really do nothing when it is the flu season which kills many more people just don't think of anyone but themselves..some people really need these things not because of a virus you will most likely not get but because it could stop germs that would otherwise kill them..I'm so frustrated of the impact these morons are having on our life because of their rant over...its also frustrating as it is pushing the price of thigs up as well when their is no need to
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March 5th, 2020 at 09:52 am
As of 5 march 2020
Ice $3,978.64
Car $344.74
house $222.74
Total $4,546.12
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March 5th, 2020 at 09:49 am
Well all the extra we got and put into our ice account we had to put it on a fine it was $545..we were in an area that had loads of construction and an area that we never go to and we must have gone through an orange light that turned red while we were driving through it...we never do that but we did it so have to pay it sucks but thats life...also payday today so was able to put another 300 into our ice close to our $4000 month we will reach the $5000 mark..yah
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March 4th, 2020 at 01:21 am
My hubbys son owed us $620 from when we helped him and his daughter after him and his wife split a couple years ago...he was injured and unable to work and his wife is just horrible the way she treated them...and still does..she makes my blood boil especially when it comes to her frustrating..but they are finally divorced and everything was settled yesterday so he sent the money to us...we didn't expect it so it went into our ice acct which means we are now over $4200 so happy and we should be putting another couple hundred on tomorrow...we will be so close to our $5000 mark by end of month which puts us about a month ahead of where we thought we would be!!
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March 3rd, 2020 at 06:57 am
It was pay week this week and we ended up buying a new comforter for my hubby as it is getting cold here now...his mattress is also a lot harder than we thought and is not real comfortable so we went and talked to them and are swapping it for a softer one..
Everything is paid pretty much for the month except food and gas which we take out every 2 weeks so nothing we have to do...was ale to pay $450 on the CC and have been able to get the ice acct to $3700 should be $4000 this month and $5000 next month and then will work on putting money into the other accounts.
So far so good financially this month lets hope we have no unexpected bills come up
also paid our yearly car insurance so that is done!!
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March 1st, 2020 at 05:01 am
We have a storm coming in today lots of thunder and lightening and maybe rain...can already smell it..but we are all down sick...not sure what is going on with us but none of us feel good...not looking for another change in has been crazy here
Still need to try figure out taxes before hubby starts his treatment and also need to finish up banking but that can wait a day or 2 no hurry everything is paid so will update later when I have done it.
Its officially autumn here now can't believe it is already march..this year is going fast
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February 27th, 2020 at 03:58 am
Well we got hubby test results today its stage 3 just in the lymph nodes but nowhere else so he things we have a good chance of being able to go into remission down the road, so only time will tell...hubby gets his first shot next wed (has every 3 months) and we are waiting to hear from the oncology radition team for treatment dates etc..should be 5 days a week for 8 weeks them maybe chemo..they arent sure yet...but the appointment was free, the parking was free will have to pay for the shot next week but not the doc appt so not to much expense yet..
It is becoming colder here so we went to buy some masks for hubby...apparently people seem to be worried about the carona virus because masks are selling out...I never really worried about it...but I guess others are.
Its payday this weekend/early next week so that will be nice to get things paid and done with for the month..also have car insurance to pay
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February 25th, 2020 at 06:16 am
Got my hair all cut off today it just takes to long and I don't have te eneergy anymore to do much (chronic fatigue) and we find out hubby treatment plan soon so that will be taking up time each just easier.
While out that way..its about 40 mins from the house we went to the butchers and I filled up our freezer so we have plenty as we are not sure how hubby will go with treatments and his copd...but we are covered in that I less thing to worry about.
Was talking about funerals the other day..we do on a regular basis...and I had friends say that we were weird that we don't want, my hubby and oldest DD just aren't interested...I think they are a waste of money and I want my ashes planted under a fruit tree that anyone can eat from...they said what if people want to say goodbye to you...well if people want to see me they can do it while I am alive, funerals are expensive and a waste of money...we all think this..and i don't want headstones I think if you have them then family feel obligated to visit you or they never visit you and feel guilty so why bother..but these are our thoughts and what we want..its also written in our wills...and the kids know what we do you think we are weird? or do people just think it is a society norm that that is what they should do??
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February 24th, 2020 at 07:22 am
theweather here this summer has been tempermental so hot then so body isn't coping and ended up with another another sinus on antibiotics and a nasal another $32 spent but hopefully i will be feeling better soon will find out this week what treatment he will need.
Also going to get my hair all chopped off tomorrow..I have been really struggling with my chronic fatigue and my hair is half way down my back so is just so hard to handle and if my hubby needs daily trips to the hosp for treatment then it is just to much to handle..its hair it will grow back
he gets his foot things this week but they are all paid for hopefully not to many more expenses this week...all parking we need should be free so that helps
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February 23rd, 2020 at 12:56 am
Well changed how we are going to budget since finding out about my hubbys cancer, going to get $5000 in our ice acct then save to update our car its a 2005 and starting to show its age...but have the money there just in case and then start saving for a house which we are hoping to be able to buy in next 18 months...the fees are a killer over here which you need up front..around $20000-$30000 dollars just for the fees and then the deposit as well...make it so hard for people to buy over here...but we will get there...if we can find something that we really like
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February 21st, 2020 at 11:27 pm
Hubby had his scan cost $200 so not a great expense and worth it to not have to wait another 6 weeks..we get results next friday and hopefully a treatment plan...parking was free so no cost there. If he has to have daily treatments at the hosp he gets free parking as he has a disability that will help...not sure what other kind of expenses we will be looking at so have decided against paying off the CC completely and just adding to our ice accout for now till we get a few more thousand in that account...all bills are paid on time etc...and the CC is our only debt so right now i think this is what is best for us...not looking forward to the next year or so...but just want to get it started and finished so we can continue on with life
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February 20th, 2020 at 01:17 am
Well good news today, my biospy came back normal no cancer present just sun damage which is great news..especially since my hubby has just been diagnosed with cancer...he has a scan tomorrow to see if it has spread or not and then find out next week treatment options that will be around $200-400 not sure till tomorrow...not looking forward to that but at the same time just want to start getting treatment started and knocking the cancer on its butt!!
Hubby got his new bed in is comfy and I am hoping he sleeps better now...he has been sleeping in a recliner and doesn't mind it...but Im sure this is more comfortable
we had extra money left over from the food budget so we bought some extra things that were on sale to use it up and that we use all the time..have been doing really well with not eating out at all..
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February 18th, 2020 at 06:50 am
next friday we should have the grading and treatment that my hubby should be getting for his cancer, I was going to pay off the CC next month but we only have $2000 in our ice account so I have decided to pay $500 a month onto the CC and put the rest into our ice account until we hit a few more thousand as we don't know what our expenses will be in the coming seems good to me we won't be paying much interest on the CC and our savings will grow. If we don't have a lot of expenses then we can put the extra on the CC and get it paid off
What are others thoughts on this??
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February 13th, 2020 at 10:32 pm
We don't celebrate valentines day I have always seen it as a waste of money we do things like that all year long so don't worry about it..and with the fires this year can only imagine how expensive flowers are going to be for those buying them...however my hubby has always bought our girls since they were born a rose on valentines day...its their tradition with him...we got some about a week ago on sale and put them in the fridge...they are still as fresh as the day we bought them and it was a fraction of the a savings!
Do others on here celebrate valentines day? Do you go all out or just something simple or just treat like another day??
happy valentines day to everyone...may you be spoilt by love everyday of the year and not just valentines day
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February 13th, 2020 at 03:41 am
had to spend big bucks today (or big enough) we went to see someone about my hubbys foot, he no longer has padding on the bottom of his feet and makes it difficult to they did some tests and some moulds of his feet and are making him custom supports for his shoes, we also bought a new pair of shoes that has a deeper insole for the new supports so today was a $750 day of spending..we put it on the CC as I want to keep extra money around for the cancer scans hopefully not to many more big expenses while we still try to save up our ice acct
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February 11th, 2020 at 11:53 pm
We still have 6 months left on this lease and then we were going to move closer to our old neighbourhood where all our docs are (about 1/2 hr from here) and where everything I use is pretty much walking distance..I love to walk.
After researching for a bit. yes we would save more in rent and gas but to get the packers in to move everything is so expensive, we can no longer do it ourselves so need them to do it, also with my hubby going to be in treatment for his cancer not something he probably needs, so we have decided that we will stay here for the next 18 months and then hopefully buy a figures out about the same...not that I want to be here that long but I think it is the best for now..I just hate how much rent we pay...honestly I wish we could buy houses as easily as you guys can and with the same deposits...would make our lives so much easier
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February 11th, 2020 at 11:43 am
had my biopsy today on my face should get results next week (thurs) and get my stitch out and hopefully its nothing to worry about..
was able to put an extra $300 into the car acct so that is nice. other than that everything else is going well and no money spent!!
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February 9th, 2020 at 12:31 pm
Well this week is going to be busy with doctors, I have a regular doctors appt, I need to have blood tests, my hubby needs to see a foot doctor (the pads on his feet have dissolved) and then I have to have a biopsy on my face...and thats just this week.
Lucky for us we live in a country where our govt pays for most of our medical services...or we would be living in a tent thankful for that
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February 7th, 2020 at 12:27 am
Not big news but made another $150 payment to the CC, every little bit counts right..I am hoping to have it paid off again next month...all going well
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