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petrol prices are soaring

October 20th, 2021 at 02:18 am

Woke up to find out that petrol (gas) prices have started going up to $1.85 per litre, with no idea of when it will be going down..highest it has been in a really long time...for those of you that is 1 gallon for you which equals approx 3.7 litres..which wouldbe $6.85 per gallon (aus)...which would be around $5.11 per gallon...guess we won't be going many places anymore....I am guessing with the price of that going up then food will rise as well since trucks will cost more to transport food etc...

health miscommunications

October 19th, 2021 at 05:41 am

So my step son suffers (like my hubby) from hemiplegic migraines...although they get different step sons affect his brain..he has trouble doing things, remembering things etc so in june they ordered an EEg on his brain..he had the doc yesterday and I ased him about what he said about his eeg not being done yet...he said he said I thought I have had enough it doesn't take that long to get one done (usually a month to 6 weeks at most) I call the hospital to find out if they have his referral, they don't but they give me their direct fax number, I call the doctors clinic we all go to...and they arent sure what is going on they thought he went to the hospital to have it basically nothing has been I ask them to fax letter to the hospital so we can set up an hour later I call the hospital they have it and have set him an appt mid november...although they have him on the waiting list if one comes finally we can get it done and see what is happening and get him the help he needs as he can't be treated till it is done...I know I probably should have done it earlier but with our own health issues, moving my mom etc I just think of next month hopefully we can get some answers and start getting him more help...but it just goes to show you that you need to follow up on things when it comes to your health...yes there was miscommunicatin between all 3 parties but I still feel the patient is the one that is responsible to make sure things are being done....who knows how long he would have waited if we hadn't stepped in...only took an hour to get remember to fight to get things done in a timely manner

christmas is done

October 18th, 2021 at 01:58 pm

Christmas shopping is done and paid for, still waiting for a couple to come in as I have just ordered them, the rest are wrapped and in the cupboard...feels good that I am almost done, will only have food to do at christmas time...ordered early thinking it would take a while to get things in from overseas but it really hasn't taken that that has been good. 

The weather here has been getting a little nicer here the last couple of days so hubby and I have been taking short walks, his legs have been bad since his cancer treatment was just starting to get them a little better and he has to go through treatment again so hopefully we can work on them and they won't get as bad..and the dog is loving being able to walk most days.

My daughter finally has a donor that she can use, they have changed the rules here which are tough, and with her genetic testing, she only has I donor she can use...they can't even use the ones they can use in Seattle as they say they can't test them for everything they test she couldn't use them hopefully she likes the profile but probably won't start or anything till she is excited.

I find using cash for our groceries we don't seem to spend as much so that is good, I found using the card we seem to spend a lot more..and we have been doing well with the menu planning and it will be great with the nicer weather to be able to start having  bbqs and salads...I love summer...and the fruit is so much better...

daily musings

October 14th, 2021 at 02:03 am

my neuro thinks I may have vestibular migraines, so he is going to send my doc a letter and discuss options with her to discuss with me, she knows I hate meds that are not organic, so we will see I do take them if I have no other options...but I do limit what chemicals go into my body as much as I can.

I have ordered some aboriginal teas that are suppose to help with health, sleeping, anxiety will see if they work, hopefully they will but I don't like tea or coffee, cant have dairy so hopefully they taste okay and settle in my system without making me to nauseated.

My hubby is doing better sleeping more but not enough so hopefully the tea will work on him as well. My DD has an appt with the head specialist at the clinic to start another plan with her, she has to pick a new donor due to the new laws that have come in, so hopefully next month she will start the process again.

Our daughters dog that lives with us had to go to the vet, he was vomiting foam yesterday and not eating..cooked him up some chicken last night and he finally ate it around midnite and the vet said he is okay just has an upset tummy for some reason, just keep him on bland need to go buy him somemore chicken breast...he is a very fussy eater.

doing much better with the budget now we have gone back to cash...a couple of times we have fogotten to take the cash so have had to use the I just keep track and will take out less today (its payday), but we are getting use to it again...using your card its just to hard to keep track.

things are slowing down

October 11th, 2021 at 03:50 am

Things are starting to slow down mom is finally settling in and doing well.

Hubby is doing so much better with his eating and sleeping, not 100% but not as bad as it was, so that is good he is able to do more than he could a couple weeks ago. Me on the other hand just can't stand to eat or drink the last few days can't even take some of my trying to figure that out I swear its 2 steps forward  and 10 steps back...but I will get there.

Financially we have paid off the CC again...and menu planning as been going good but we have decided to go back to cash rather than using the card its just easier to keep track of for groceries and gas...all bills are paid and we should be able to save some this month...

I have cut back on my doctors some I don't think some are helping me so going to cut them back and try some other things...oh well brain fog is pretty bad right now, I have just finished up my moms new budget and sent it to more thing of my to go and relax...I can't wait till we have some warmer weather so we can get down to the beach, which is at the end of our road...we are half way through spring and yet it has still be so cold..I really want some warm weather...just so we can get back to nature I miss walks on the beach, in nature etc.

Hope everyone has a great week

october already

October 6th, 2021 at 02:39 am

The last few weeks have been quite busy...everytime my doctors tell me to take it easier life just seems to get faster...

Hubby is back on hormone treatment and also had tablets to take as well, he got sick on the tablets, couldn't eat, couldn't sleep I took him off of them, we took him to the hospital to see if they could do something about the nausea and no sleeping and they just wouldn't see him as they didn't want to deal with a cancer patient so since he got sick of being there for over 4 hours with everyone else going in and out he told them he was going home where he was around so many people, cause he didn't want to get sick and it was a long weekend...sat he had to have his 2nd covid shot (his are 3 months apart) and we spoke to that doc abut the this point I had taken him off the wasn't his regular doc so he got his doc to call him, and he also contacted his urologist to see if that was okay...then yesterday his cancer nurse called him and said it was okay to stay off the tablets for now and they will monitor him...he is eating and sleeing better now.

My daughter has done 2 IUI and neither of them have with the new laws here now she has to change her donor so she will choose another one within the next week and then see the specialist and write up another is getting expensive but worth it when it works...and it will work...she will get the baby that is suppose to be fingers's actually very interesting to go through this process with her....I am learning a lot and meeting some great people and also seeing my daughter go through all the emotions of the process and amazed at how well she is handling it all.

I am suppose to be taking it easy and relaxing to get my cortisol levels down but that hasn't been happening at all with my hubby and his cancer stuff going on and not sleeping which meant I wasn't sleeping...going to my daughters appointments with her and then we had to move my mom to another town that is cheaper for her to live,,,so I had to find a house to rent, get everything connected, pay for it (that damaged our budget a bit) then get the house she was in cleaned up and still need to finish up the last little bits for that house I just haven't had time to sit an relax...but thats family comes first and they do the same for me...when my body started going into meltdown mode my daughter took over what I was doing to help out...she is great like that...and my mom is around plenty of family down there so I know she will be fine..she is living literally 6 houses away from my niece who is checking on her I know I don't really have to worry about her...plenty of family to help her out if she needs it...not that she does she is 83 in december and does everything herself except her banking I do all her banking and pay all her bills online for her so she doesn't have to worry about I don't control her money I just make sure everything is paid as it easier for her...

after all that we have still managed to save some money this still working on that.

cancer is back

September 14th, 2021 at 11:06 am

Well has been quite a crappy day, I woke up with vertigo, mixed with my dizziness it is the worst feeling ever and I am glad it is started to makes me so sick....on top of that hubby had an appointment with his urologist to get his psa results and they came back that his cancer is back...his only treatment right now is hormone treatment, I'm just hoping that it works...we still have to see the docs and set up a plan to who is monitoring what but it was a pretty crappy day....but on a good note my daughter will be inseminated again this week, so fingers crossed it sticks this time

financially I have pretty much finished my christmas shopping have 2 left to do but will do nearer to xmas...and I bought my DD a dryer as I got sick of her bringing her washing here to dry...we have had such wet weather this bought her one and she said it can be her christmas present as it was quite expensive...

I am still trying to work on getting my health back to where it should be and hoping that what we are doing will help and my numbers will start getting back to a normal level and I can start living a normal life and can take care of my hubby if he needs daughter can't do it all especially if she is going to have a baby

Well time to work on the budget...things might be changing...only time will tell...

maybe some answers for my health

September 3rd, 2021 at 07:24 am

Well I see many doctors for various reasons but today was a an eye opener...I went to see an intergrated doctor (which I have seen before) and my tests results have come back so I have a fatty liver (knew that), my cholestrol is high (7.5), my vitamin went from 39 to 63 but hes trying to get it above 100 so still working on that....and I found ou my cortisol levels are out of control they are 1003 which is way over what they should be (here around 550) so now have to try and fix that..have to have some tests done to see if there is an underlying issue that neds to be worked hopefully we can start to figure it makes a lot of sense with a lot of things

Financially it is pay week...still have to do the bills etc...but didn't even come close to our savings goal last month so will work on that this month...and some disappointing news my daughter ended up with a chemical pregnancy so will have to try again 

christmas and debt

August 29th, 2021 at 05:29 am

Well I have ordered many of my christmas presents...some are things I have been wanting to do for a couple of years just haven't been well enough to get done..but I have used the CC so will have to pay that off again...but thats hubby is so worth it....savings is way down as we have had so many specialists to see that our mrdical acct was cleared out as was a majority of our savings...but we will get back on track in next couple of months..fingers crossed looks like buying a house maybe pushed for another year...see what happens...

fully vaccinated

August 22nd, 2021 at 07:59 am

Well as of yesterday I am fully vaccinated, only hubby left to finish up..luckily I didn't really have any side effects from it just a sore spot on my that was a relief.


possibly a g'ma in 9 months

August 17th, 2021 at 12:18 pm

This week has been busy with appointments it seems that's all our lives are lately...well I have 2 appts tomorrow and one thursday...on tomorrow is a zoom appointment..first time doing one of should be interesting but hopefully will be able to get some good helpful advice...and start on the road to recovery.

financially we haven't really been spending money other than groceries...and i think we have spent more than we usually do but wanted to restock the cupboards and freezer a bit so that is fine. all bills are paid for the month so all good there and tomorrows paycheck will just go into our house acct, in saying that with buying a few things we NEEDED we won't reach my goal of $5000 by end of month but thats ok we will make it up over the next few months somehow.


Ok well is for daughter started her fertility journey this week...they told her that she would need blood tests and probably be inseminated friday/sat..and they called her today and she was we are so happy for her...hopefully it takes and she becomes pregnant and everything goes case anyone wants to know she doesn't have fertility issues she wants children and just hasn't found a partner she wants to be with so decided to do it on her we are really happy for her.

Saturday I get my second pfizer will fully vaccinated..only have my hubby that needs his 2nd one now but thats not till october...I'm just hoping for less side effects this time...but will be nice to have some protection...and on good news people aged 16-39 can now get vaccinated starting yesterday (monday) so hopefully our vaccinated numbers will grow in the next month around australia...although NSW is kinda like the US in the numbers are rising and deaths are growing...they have had average of 400plus new cases in last few days and I think around 23 deaths...which I know doesn't sound like much if you live in the US but to us that is a lot..our whole state has 1.771 million people and since covid started in 2019 we have had 868 cases and only 4 deaths...which I think is good and most of those cases were in march-may I'm hoping that we don't get a surge in our state until we can get more of the over 60's their 2nd dose of AZ...which they hate but don't have a choice to get...rant over


another doc appointment update

August 12th, 2021 at 08:29 am

So saw my doc today...I see her every month usually..she has set me up for some scans, to see another shrink again (at my request due to anxiety issues that I think I need assistance with), although I can't get in to see her till feb 2022, she gave me some meds so I can be well enough for my endoscopy later in the month...and she is happy about progress with othr issues that have been going on...and when we went to get scripts we found out we are now on free scripts for the rest of the that is a bit of a savings each month.

Not much else going on just filling up our calendar with appointments and wishing the weather would warm over this cold wet windy weather. 

always spending

August 10th, 2021 at 06:24 am

Well we had to buy a lawn mower yesterday...the grass is growing so fast and ours broke and I didn't want to keep borrowing one so we decided to buy more money out of our house account...hubby also needs to update his hearing aids, he has a lot of damage done to them from his radiation treatment they not sure what that will cost probably won't hit my target goal of $5000 this month but that is ok..somethings are more important. 

Our daughter has started her fertility process and she is super excited...she has been saving for a long hopefully everything works out for her....

Other than that not much else happening here been pretty cold and wet here to do much also not trying to go out to much (except appts) until we are all immunised....and hopefully that will be soon and we can enjoy the beach and outdoors more...and some good weather


August 8th, 2021 at 07:33 am

Well my daughter had her 2nd vaccine so she is fully vaccinated against covid (as well as you can be) and is now starting her fertility adventure...she is so excited...she put it off so she could get vaccinated...just in case...but she is good to go now!!

I should be fully vaccinated on the 21st I get my last shot...hopefully I do better with this one than the last one after 12 hrs ended up in hospital with uncontrollable shaking and complete body pain...I could barely move but still couldn't sit still as I hurt so I am hoping this next one is fine.

Hubby since he had to get the AZ one won't be fully vaccinated till 2 oct as they have to have 12 weeks between them...I hate that one and I'm pretty sure thats what brought on his shingles.

Other than that not doing much hardly going out only to appointments which all had to be rescheduled due to the lock down so slowly getting them done.

I think I have finally figured out a lot of what is wrong with me so this week when I go to the docs can have a good chat to her and hopefully figure a plan of attack.

Stay safe everyone 

daily musings

August 2nd, 2021 at 07:01 am

Well I have paid the bills for the month already we will keep some extra as we did a monthly shop a week ago that should get us through the month other than milk/bread and fresh fruit/vege...its a new thing we are trying to limit our exposure to the outside world as much as we can.

In our big order we got free delivery but it also came with extra, 2 buches of kale...but you can't return it so made my daughter some kale chips that she they were free. Our lemon tree is full of fruit so this weekend will robably pick a bunch and squueze and freeze ready for summer as I put it in hubbys ice tea...and that makes lemon juice free as well.

Had my first pfizer shot on sat...didn't go to well was fine for about 12 hrs then I had uncontrollable shaking and all over body ended up in the er... wasn't there to long around 5 hrs total...they got it all settled down, so hopefully the next one won't be to was weird I didn't even get a sore arm....that is 3 weeks daughter gets her 2nd one thursday so hopefully she does ok...they say most people get more of a reaction with the 2nd one...I have to say it was such a fast  efficient service that they run...very quick and professional and cater to is a big building...and with so much noise (lots of kids around), the lighting my head when into melt down with all the stimulation, they saw that I was stressed so took me back to another area that had a bed and was quieter and I just had my shot there....they did a great job

my goal this month is to save as much towards our house deposit as possible...I am hoping to have $5000 saved by the end of month!!

do things a little differently

July 29th, 2021 at 08:14 am

So we have just come out of a week lockdown in our state....but since the delta strain has been in the community and we haven't been vaccinated I am doing things a little we sat down and wrote out a monthly menu of what we all wanted and what we needed for the meals...and I ordered it online and got it delivered (free delivery as it was over $300) and then we put our meat order in and did a couple of errands in the shopping centre and then went and picked it when we need to go to the store it will be quik trips for fresh produce (we usually go to the markets) and milk/bread thats about less time in the community with people until we get vaccinated, my daughter will be fully vaccinated next week, hubby has had his first shot but they have to wait 10 weeks before the next shot and I have my first one on sat and by end of aug I will be fully vaccinated...

I have also started my christmas shopping, the last couple of years I have wanted to do 3 things for my hubby and I just run out of time and energy to get them done so I am starting early so i can get them done, it will make kind of an expensive christmas but things he will cherish for years...and he is so worth it...

So I am hoping with changing a few things that it will work a little better in the long run

July recap

July 27th, 2021 at 05:32 am

I know it's not the end of july yet but all our bills are paid and we don't get paid again so can finish up julys I wanted to save at least $2500 a month towards a home deposit and we did that this month, we also used the CC and paid that off in full (so debt free again) goal is to save around $50,000 in next 16 months (including this month) to buy a's a hard ask and probably won't make it but something to work towards...if a goal is to easy to reach then I don't work as's just how my brain working towards that goal.

Finally got a hold of the IRS in regards to our refund as we paid so much and got like $67 didn't make sense...we had someone help us do it online..someone we have never used and won't after 1.5 hours on the phone we figured out the 2 main problems...they put about the stimulus payments the first 2 we never got...but they actually left off the  federal tax that we thats why we were getting so much now I have to do an amendment which I will mail in...any extra money we get will probably go to the house lets hope this is the last time we have to deal with took 2 years to get 2019 done, and now 2020 has just been done and needs to be amended...lets hope next years goes much smoother because we will be doing them ourselves

On a positive note hubby is doing much better, and on sat we are having a cake for our daughters birthday...she is also excited to get her 2nd dose of vaccine next week so then she can try for a baby she wanted to do this month but didn't want to risk with the vaccine...which we here is to us getting vaccinated and hopefully some warmer weather...this cold wet windy weather has been has seriously been raining everyday..about every 5-6 days we will get  a non rain we are a little over it...had the coldest day last week since 1989...and I hate the cold

Ok time to go look at next months budget and see where I can save more money

nothing much happening

July 25th, 2021 at 07:53 am

Well we have been in lockdown since tuesday so nothing much to write about as we have't gone anywhere or eally done anything...hubby has shingles and its on his head and face it was quite painful and it looks horrible but I got him to use cbd oil on it and he is feeling much better...funny her went to the hospital, they didn't diagnose it..then to the doc still no diagnoses finally the 3rd doc diagnosed him..and put him on meds...although he is healing it looks horrible...but most of the pain is gone...our groceries are being delivered today so that will be good...

The weather here has been shocking its been cold, wet and windy...I can't wait till spring...on a better note I will be able to have my first pfizer shot on the 31st...then 3 weeks later then will be immunised...can't wait till we all have some coverage from covid

Back in lockdown

July 20th, 2021 at 09:10 am

So as of 6pm tonight our state is in a 7 day lockdown....we have 5 cases of the new delta strain in the community so we go into complete lockdown except for essential services and shopping, getting covid tested...all school closed and most people will work from times...NOT!!, lets hope we get on top of it and if everyone is using the QR codes then it should make it easier to contain...and then hopefully in a week we can open back up.

What is hard is that not many are vaccinated..only like 10% of the population is fully vaccinated...I have been waiting for 3 weeks for mine and can't get in till the oldest and hubby have both had their first dose of we will be staying home...we have enough groceries and today I ordered my moms groceries to be delivered so she didn't have to go out...but if you are under 40 years old (and don't have a medical condition) you can't be vaccinated we have a ways to go

taxes done (kinda)

July 18th, 2021 at 04:05 am

So our US taxes have finally been processed...we were suppose to get around $1800, but we ended up getting $67, not sure why, I tried to call the irs to find out why but the guy I spoke to said basically they were charging us for one of the stimulus payments that we didn't get...but that doesn't make sense and it wouldn't be $1800 they haven't made payments that going to try and call them this week again and see if I can find out more as not sure how long it will take to come through the mail as to why they have changed the amount....just wish it would be over and done is so frustrating...and whats worse is we can't do it online...and they always send us checks and I complained as they have our bank details so our $67 went into our account so I know it can hopefully this week we will have it sorted...has anyone else has hassles like this?? or have taxes changed so much over there?

catch up

July 15th, 2021 at 12:37 pm

So been a busy week...hubby got his first covid vaccine on saturday...we didn't like that one as it can cause blood clots but its the only one that he can get...he gets the next one in 10 far he has only been really tired from it but you can get symptoms after a we will keep an eye on him and hope for the daughter and I can get the pfizer one, she had her first shot today and her next one in 3 weeks...I get mine on the 31st then 3 weeks hopefully in the next few months we will be vaccinated completly...they say we might get a booster shot in 6-12 months....although I did find out from the doctor but unless you have a medical condition or work in aged care/disability or with vulnerable people...(also evryone who works in the medical/police or firemanetc) you can't get vaccinated if you under 40 yet...due to not having enough vaccine...and we have had a few outbreaks in the several hopefully they get it rectified soon.

had a house inspecion today we passed with flying colors and told him about a few things that we would like fixed but doesn't need to be glad he came early have a big storm coming through today and thing we have trouble here is we have a large washing machine so we can wash blankets etc...but this laundry room it has a big overhead cabinet so it is impossible to use and walk around it we decided to sell it and get a front gets delivered tomorrow...I hate front loaders but it's whats better for us now and in the was an added expense we didn't expect but that is ok.

We are sticking to the budget and saving each pay as well...and with the crappy weather we aren't going anywhere so not spending any money feeling good about the budget and our finances 

It's really nice

July 4th, 2021 at 04:20 am

I can't be left alone due to my dizziness and our daughter went hiking today so just me and hubby...he needed to go do some banking which we need to go to a bank to do...but couldn't as I'm not having a great day to be going out etc...and it was nice to say don't worry about it it doesn't need to be done it can wait till tomorrow....I know people on here have quite a bit of money and some live pay check to paycheck...but it is nice to not have to worry about having to go out and do it now...a few years ago that wouldn't have been possible...we already have our bills paid for the month except groceries and it is a great feeling and probably not one tht many people worry about or think about but one that I am happy to be apart of!! 

splurging on ourselves

July 2nd, 2021 at 03:32 pm

We are going to splurge on ourselves and buy a treadmill...all 3 of us will use it...I think it is something that will get a lot of use...I know they can be expensive but we just need a basic one we don't need one with all the bells and whistles...a couple of reasons why we need it...since my hubby cancer treatment he lost a lot of muscle and can't walk far so it will be easy for him to walk for a little bit then rest then do more if he wants to...he is real shaky on his feet at times so be easier to get some walking in with us around...again with my dizziness it is hard for me to walk any kind of distance...i have trouble walking more than 10 mins and I am someone who use to walk around 10 plus miles a day..I loved walking....still do I just can't do it and I am gaining weight as I can't do much this way I can do more walking and if I feel dizzy then can just get off and lay down and they can keep an eye on me without stressing cause I am dizzy and out walking with them as I can go downhill fast....also our daughter who has chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia and bipolar as well as a couple other things like to do charity walks so it will help her get more in shape as well....on top of that this winter so far has been cold wet and windy and hard to go this weekend we will do some research and hopefully order one that won't use all our savings...

more tax issues

July 1st, 2021 at 12:48 pm

US taxes have got to be so complicated it isn't funny not sure they know what they are I have spoken to the tax office 3 times and ever time it is completely we paid over $1700 in federal taxes and we get $67 back which is the lowest ever...but they said we should have gotten the 2nd stimulus payment (which we didn't) and so they put it on the taxes as something..I said we never got it and that last years taxes had only just been done so they had nothing to go by anyways...then he said that they were going to charge us for some recovery payment even though we didn't get the we have no idea what they are talking about then the guy says that he isn't a tax preparer so he isn't sure what is going now we are trying to get someone to look at it and try to figure it out we paid double tax and get hardly anything back and they want to charge us for stimulus payments that we didn't get and why they are charging us for that is beyond me...really thought when we saw it was being processd this saga would almost be over...but no it isn't...and so hard living in a different country and trying to get answers...everyone there has told me completly different frustrating...damn by the time they get it done it will be time to do it again...not looking forward to that... 

july already

July 1st, 2021 at 12:38 pm

seriously where has this year gone it seems to be speeding by...which is nice in some ways (like summer being here quicker) but then it will be christmas before we know it LOL!!

It is pay week this week so will pay bills and start adding to our house savings...

We have had a couple cases of community covid here (well 1 guy who was from interstate working and his family) they have been quarantined in the medi hotel and so far no other cases but not risking it so did a bit of a shop today so we don't have to go out much and will start to get our groceries delivered instead...we aren't vaccinated and until we can get a good vaccine we don't want to risk the one they are trying to give us...hopefully later in the year.

first covid cases in 200 days

June 30th, 2021 at 04:53 am

Our state now has 5 cases of covid in the community in 200 days...all because our govt opened up our borders a bit....the family is now in hotel quarentine and will stay there till they test is frustrating so we now have restrictions and people are panic buying which is ridiculous....hopefully things will be back to normal soon...I actually have the doctors tomorrow and one thing I was going to discuss with her is the covid will see what she says.

othr than that nothing much is happening here its sunny here for a change but still cool...managed to get some stuff sorted in the garage so feel like I achieved something.

more tax drama & other updates

June 28th, 2021 at 11:22 am

So we have been waiting for our taxes to be done...and about 10 days ago it said that it was being processed so we checked over the weekend and now it's saying that they have no info so not sure what is going on...geez just want it over and done the time they get it done will be time to do it again...can't believe it's almost july.

It's pay week this week so it will be nice to pay the bills and start adding to our house saving account again.

Covid is starting to hit australia again..we still haven't been vaccinated as we don't like the one that is provided for us it has to many issues...but i might be able to get the pfizer one so will talk to the doc this week when I see her and see what she says..if she says it's ok then will book in to get it...and hope for the best....our state doesn't have any cases yet but we have border closures again...hopefully it will stay that way.

The weather here is cold wet and windy and I am really over it...have been sick for a month now and have not left the house except for a covid test (because i was suppose to have a procedure but was to sick) but it was negative...

I have a fair few doc appointments this month so medical will be a bit of a cost but we should have that covered..other than that no other expenses....YET!

payday tomorrow

June 23rd, 2021 at 01:33 pm

I love paydays....not that they are very exciting but we only need grocery and gas money this week all our bills are paid at begining of the month...but will be able to add to our small savings and make it grow a little more!!

We have menu planned and written out grocery list for what we need for next week or so...will just need to get basics like milk/bread/fruit etc...

Weather here has been cold and wet and tonight they say we will have high winds, torrential rains and flash flooding...god I hate winter and I have been sick for 3 weeks so that doesn't help

no endoscopy

June 21st, 2021 at 05:34 am

No endoscopy today they will reschedule for july hopefully as i am still to sick to have it hopefully by then I will be okay.

Our US tax check finally cleared today so that $300 plus went into our house account so it is building up slowly again and we get paid this week so can add a little more to our savings. 

They have a big toy sale on right now where you can layaway till christmas (they do it every year) was going to do for a charity we support for foster kids but have decided to just put money away each month and buy as we see sales between now and then...think that works better for us right now.

Good thing about me is I don't like shopping at all so even though I am sick I don't go online and shop which means we don't spend much money...hubby does but it is his mad money so he can do what he wants for it.

hardly any savings again!!

June 16th, 2021 at 11:19 am

So we were doing great with our savings but then we had to buy a bed that cost over $3000 plus bedding (so almost $4000)  and we had to use the CC...I was going to keep saving and just pay off the CC but I hate having debt so used our savings to pay it off and now only have $700 in savings...was hard but knowing we are debt free again fills me with peace of mind we are debt free again.

Hubby loves to do prospecting as a hobby but has been unable to due to me being sick as I can't be left alone and I don't travel well but where he buys his stuff from they also sell gold dirt so you can actually get some gold out of each bag...usually not a lot so today so taday i say in my bed and went through the bags and found a bunch of gold in them..all total 1.1 ounces which is about $2600 but we need to go interstate later in the year to cash it in as we can't do it in our state so it was so fun to do and made my day since I haven't been able to get up and around....hubby is thrilled

Nothing else has been going covid test came back negative which we knew it hopefully I am well enough for my endoscopy on monday!

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